众所周知,阳光、空气和水,是生命里的三大要素,人们的衣、食、住、行都离不开水。水的外表极简单,但是在文学艺术家眼中,水却有着极丰富的内涵。 当您翻开历代文学作品,一眼就可看出,水是文人才子描写的主要对象之一,如:李白《将进酒》:“黄河之水天上来,奔流到海不复还。”《望庐山瀑布》:“飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天。”杜甫《登高》:“无边落木萧萧下,不尽长江滚滚来。”黄庭坚《登快阁》:“落木千山天远大,澄江一道月分明。”等等,名篇佳句,不胜枚举。 当您漫步于名山大川或城市园林建筑中时,你会感到水与人文景观之间有着多么密切的关系!如江南三大名楼都与水相依相伴,楼妆点了水,水映衬着楼。在岳阳楼上,您可领略到“吴楚东南坼,乾坤日夜浮”(杜甫)的动荡之势;在黄鹤楼上,您可眺望到“孤帆远影碧空尽,惟见长江天际流”(李白)的开阔气象;在滕王阁上,您可观赏到“落霞与孤骛齐飞,秋水共长天一色”(王勃)的壮丽画面。这些是气势浩大的水与人文景观构成的壮阔的境界。
As we all know, sunshine, air and water are the three major elements in life. People’s clothing, food, shelter and transportation are inseparable from water. The appearance of water is very simple, but in the eyes of literary artists, water has a very rich connotation. When you open the literary works of different dynasties, you can see at a glance that water is one of the main objects described by the literary talent. For example, Li Bai ’s “going to wine”: “the water of the Yellow River will come from the sky and run to the sea. ”Look Lushan Waterfall“: ”Flying down three thousand feet, suspected Galaxy nine days.“ Du Fu ”ascended the throne“: ”boundless wood rustling, not to the Yangtze River billow.“ Huang Tingjian ”Gordon Pavilion“: ” Day big, Chengjiang a clear month. “And so on, famous sentence, too numerous to mention. When you walk in the mountains or urban landscape architecture, you will feel the water and the human landscape has a close relationship between! For example, the three famous buildings in the south of the Yangtze River are accompanied by water. Upstairs in Yueyang, you can enjoy the turmoil of ”Wuchuongtongnan, heaven and earth floating day and night“ (Du Fu); in the Yellow Crane Tower, you can overlook ”Guiyu Yuan Ying blue sky to make, but see the Yangtze River Skyline“ (Li Bai); in Tengwang Pavilion, you can enjoy the magnificent images of ”Falling clouds and lone birds flying together and the autumn waters are long and bright" (Wang Bo). These are magnificent realms of water and human landscape.