潘蓓蕾 一代风范酒之缘

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潘蓓蕾,祖籍台湾,生于上海。父亲早年留学日本,是老牌“国光”口琴的创始人,是中国自己第一只口琴的制造者。出身名门的潘蓓蕾为自己选择了一条独立、拼搏、奋斗的自强之路:可以报考上海的众多大学,却全部志愿都填外地院校;可以留在北京工作,却三次向校方打报告,要求去大西北;可以有机会在更重要的岗位上工作,却愿意与轻工业、食品工业、酿酒工业结一生之缘。潘蓓蕾是陕西省历史上第一位女性副省长、国家部委第一位党外女性副部长。打开潘蓓蕾的简历,我们可以看到:1961-1964年,就读北京轻工业学院;1964-1980年,历任陕西省轻工业科学研究院技术员、工程师;1980-1982年,就读于西安交通大学管理工程研究班;1982-1989年,任陕西省轻工业厅副厅长、高级工程师;1989-1990年,任陕西省副省长;1990年至今,历任轻工业部副部长、中国轻工总会副会长、国家轻工业局副局长,现任中国轻工业联合会副会长。并兼任中轻食品工业管理中心主任、中国食品科学技术学会理事长、中国酿酒工业协会名誉会长等职。历任第八届、九届、十届全国政协常委、全国政协经济委员会副主任、九三学社八届中央侯补委员、九、十、十一届中央常委。她一步一个坚实的脚印,一路走来,每一个脚印折射出的亮点,划出了一条光彩亮丽的人生轨迹。 Pan Beilei, native of Taiwan, was born in Shanghai. His father studied in Japan early, is the founder of the old “Guoguang” harmonica, is China’s first producer of harmonica. Poon Bei Lei, a famous figure, chose for himself an independent, hard-working and self-reliance road: many universities that can apply for Shanghai, but all are volunteering to fill in foreign universities; they can stay in Beijing and make reports to the school three times. Great Northwest; have the opportunity to work in more important positions, but are willing to end with the light industry, food industry, brewing industry. Pan Beilei is the first female deputy governor in Shaanxi Province’s history and the first non-party female vice minister of the state ministries and commissions. Open Pan Beilei’s resume, we can see: 1961-1964, Beijing Institute of Light Industry; 1964-1980, served as Shaanxi Light Industry Academy of technicians, engineers; 1980-1982, studying in Xi’an Jiaotong University Management Engineering Research Class From 1982 to 1989, he served as Deputy Director and Senior Engineer of Shaanxi Provincial Light Industry Department. From 1989 to 1990, he served as Vice Governor of Shaanxi Province. Since 1990, he has successively served as Vice Minister of Light Industry, Vice Chairman of China National Light Industry Association, Deputy director of Light Industry Bureau, incumbent vice chairman of China National Light Industry Council. He also serves as director of China Light Food Industry Management Center, chairman of China Institute of Food Science and Technology and honorary president of China Brewing Industry Association. Served as the Eighth, Ninth, Tenth CPPCC National Committee members, deputy director of the CPPCC National Committee, Jiu San Society eight Central Committee members, nine, ten, eleven Central Standing Committee. She step by step a solid footprints, along the way, each of the bright spots reflected in the footprints, drawn a brilliant trajectory of life.
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