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应中国科学院海洋研究所曾呈奎所长的邀请,新西兰奥克兰大学教授E、E、苏克宁于五月廿六日至六月十二日在青岛进行了一次讲学及海上实验。讲学由毛汉礼付所长主持。参加听讲的有来自广州、履门、天津、北京、鹤壁等地的海洋与无线电工作者,以及在青岛各有关单位人员共约九十余人。全部讲学分五次进行。包括(1)海上定位原理。(2)漂流浮标与海流测量。(3)沿岸波浪电话遥测系统等三部分。介绍了漂流标测流的一些理论与实际问题,并对各种类型浮标的特点及其在美国、澳大利亚和新西兰等国家的使用情况作了说明,着重讲解了他本人研制和改进的漂流浮标的结构、性能、电 At the invitation of Director Zeng Chengkui, Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, professors E, E and Sukkonen of Auckland University of New Zealand conducted a lecture and sea experiment in Qingdao from May 26 to June 12. Lecture by Chairman Mao Hanli to chair. There were about 90 marine and radio workers from Guangzhou, Lvmen, Tianjin, Beijing and Hebi, as well as about 90 people from relevant units in Qingdao. All lectures five times. Including (1) maritime positioning principle. (2) drifting buoys and current measurements. (3) coastal wave telemetry system and other three parts. Some theoretical and practical problems of drifting profile flow are introduced. The characteristics of various types of buoys and their use in the United States, Australia and New Zealand are also described. The floating buoy that he developed and improved Structure, performance, electricity
“ 小蜜蜂,嗡嗡嗡,飞到西来飞到东……”  小蜜蜂哼着小曲在花丛中快乐地飞来飞去!  向日葵:嗨,蜜蜂妹妹!你的英语很好,来给我们当回裁判吧!  小蜜蜂:裁判?你们要PK什么呢?  玫瑰花:句型转换!  百合花:你可要公平公正哦!  小蜜蜂:好呀,没问题。现在就开始吧!  第一关:带有be动词的句型转换  小蜜蜂:请把肯定句改成否定句.  No. 1 I’m a boy. 我是个男孩。  向日葵:
When pursuit eye movement is guided by a light spot which moves at the same velocity asthat of a drifting grating, the reciprocal of the threshold contrast (TC
欧洲化工联合会海水淡化工作组主席、1983年5月在意大利佛罗伦萨召开的第一次国际脱盐和水再利用会议主席Wolfang Pusch博士应邀于1984年4月来我国讲学。 Dr. Wolfang Pusc
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Two cores and ten surface sediment samples were taken in the western area of Mid-Pacific during the investigation from December 1978 to July 1979. According to
For the identification of Milleporidae in this paper four designs are given as follows:(1) According to the morphological characters of the studied materials,
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