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自主探究始于问题,是围绕问题展开的学习活动,是发现问题、逐步分析和解决问题的过程。问题情境的创设,有助于学生形成清晰的学习目标,明确解决问题的方向,引发学生进行自主探究学习的愿望和动机。一、创设问题情境的原则1、坚持情境设计的相关性、针对性原则,即情境内容要与课堂教学的中心问题和重点紧密联系,要善于 Self-exploration begins with the question, which is a learning activity that starts around the issue and is the process of discovering the problem and analyzing and solving the problem step by step. The creation of problem situations helps students form a clear learning goal, clarify the direction of the problem, and arouse students’ desire and motivation for self-exploration and learning. First, the principle of creating a situation context 1, insist on the relevance of contextual design, the principle of pertinence, that context content should be closely linked with the central issue of classroom teaching and focus should be good
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This article provides a review of current research activities that concentrate on Ti3SiC2. We begin with an overview of the crystal and electronic structures, w
何为常态课?常态课指的是常规状态、自然状态下的平常课,它是相对于时下不少刻意准备的、花了超出平时几倍、十几倍甚至几十倍时间精心包装的、有多人帮助合作、经过反复锤炼、多次预演的观摩课、研讨课、示范课等公开课而言的。  而常态课是优质课的基础,它是返璞归真、反映教学本质、正常状态的课,较之于大范围的公开课,它应属细水长流式的,是真正促使孩子发展的根。但它的随意低效确实让人担忧。因此,本着基于实用、高于