
来源 :植物检疫 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jill818
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第一章总则第一条为了贯彻国务院发布的《中华人民共和国进出口动植物检疫条例》(简称《条例》),特制定本实施细则。第二条中华人民共和国动植物检疫总所(简称检疫总所)代表国家行使对外动植物检疫行政管理职权,负责管理全国进出口动植物检疫工作。检疫总所隶属农牧渔业部。第三条凡进入我国国境和过境的动植物、动植物产品及其运载工具均应实施检疫。未 Chapter I General Provisions Article 1 In order to implement the “Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on the Quarantine of Import and Export of Animals and Plants” (the “Regulations”) promulgated by the State Council, this Detailed Rules are formulated. Article 2 The General Administration of Animal and Plant Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Quarantine General Office) exercises the powers of quarantine administration of foreign animals and plants on behalf of the State and is responsible for administering the quarantine inspection of import and export of animals and plants throughout the country. Quarantine headquarters under the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries. Article 3 All animals and plants, animal and plant products and their means of delivery entering China’s border and transit areas shall be quarantined. not
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一、杨柳树食叶害虫 杨柳树病虫种类较多,据近年来普查统计,害虫100多种。其中杨柳树食叶害虫据统计约70多种,占杨柳树害虫种类总数的70%左右。这些害虫从早春开始直到晚秋都
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