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The Aksug deposit,located in Altay-Sayan region of Russia,is one of the largest porphyry Cu-Mo deposits in SouthernSiberia.The ore-bearing porphyries of the Aksug porphyry Cu-Mo system were formed in post-collisional environment.Geochemicallythey belong to calk-alkaline and high K-calk-alkaline series.Rocks are characterized by enrichment of LILE and depletion of HSFE andHREE,showing the importance of subduction-related components in magma generation.Large plutonic intrusions that host porphyrysystems have been formed during collision.The origin of porphyritic rocks is dominantly the mantle with lower crustal contribution.Themainly economically important Cu-Mo mineralization is closely related to a porphyry series in time and space,being emplaced towardsthe end of magmatic activity.Though the emplacement of plutonic and ore-bearing porphyry complexes took place in differentgeodynamic environments,both complexes are characterized by certain similarity in geochemical composition,alkalinity,trace elementcontent,Sr isotopic composition.This fact evidently indicates a common deep-seated magmatic source(at the lower crust-uppermantle level).Low initial ~(87)Sr/~(86)St,sulfur isotopic characteristics and presence of PGE-Co-Ni mineralization in associated pyrite-chalcopyrite ores suggest that mantle source of chalcophile elements was of high importance in porphyry Cu-Mo mineralization of theAksug deposit. The Aksug deposit, located in Altay-Sayan region of Russia, is one of the largest porphyry Cu-Mo deposits in Southern Siberia.The ore-bearing porphyries of the Aksug porphyry Cu-Mo system were formed in the post-collisional environment. Geochemically the possession of to calk-alkaline and high K-calk-alkaline series. Rocks are characterized by enrichment of LILE and depletion of HSFE andHREE, showing the importance of subduction-related components in magma generation. Large plutonic intrusions that host porphyry systems have been formed during collision. origin of porphyritic rocks is dominantly the mantle with lower crustal contribution. The primarily economically important Cu-Mo mineralization is closely related to a porphyry series in time and space, being emplaced toward sthe end of magmatic activity. How the emplacement of plutonic and ore-bearing porphyry complexes took place in differentgeodynamic environments, both complexes are characterized by certain similarity in geochemical composition, alkalini ty, trace elementcontent, Sr isotopic composition. This fact evidently indicates a common deep-seated magmatic source at the lower crust-upper mantle level. Low initial ~ (87) Sr / ~ (86) St, sulfur isotopic characteristics and presence of PGE-Co-Ni mineralization in associated pyrite-chalcopyrite ores suggest that mantle source of chalcophile elements was of high importance in porphyry Cu-Mo mineralization of the Aksug deposit.
突然想到一个朋友,我们大约六七年前认识,这些年她换了几个工作,最后索性离开帝都回到了家乡。会想到这位朋友,是因为钦佩她的勇气和魄力,无论是换工作,还是离开生活了十多年的城市,她的每一次决绝可能对其他人而言都是沉重的,而她却举重若轻。 她当初接受这份工作,大约也没想过会做一辈子吧?  一辈子。  我们真是动不动就喜欢说一辈子这样的词,就如同,刚才我跟先生在散步,说到晚饭,打算减肥的两个人认为喝粥是个
8月26日, 是中国经济特 区建立20周年 纪念日。 经过20年 的努力,深圳从 昔日的边陲小 镇发展到初具 规模的举世闻 名的现代化城 市,其发展速度 远远超过被誉 为创造了世界 经济奇迹的
细胞通讯是指多细胞生物体中细胞之间通过化学物质或电信号传递信息的通讯机制。缝隙连接(gap junction,GJ)是细胞间直接进行物质交流的惟一通道,无论在脊椎还是无脊椎动物都
香葱培根煎薯饼  原料  小个土豆,熟美式培根(bacon),葱花,鸡蛋,盐,黑胡椒粉,黄油适量。  做法  1.土豆洗净,连皮煮熟,放凉后去皮,用粉碎机或手工切成小碎丁放入容器中;  2.加入盐,黑胡椒粉,熟培根丁,少许用蛋液,搅拌均匀;  3.取合适的镂空小模具(比如烘培用的各式饼干切割器),把步骤2中土豆碎丁舀入并压紧成型;  4.平底锅中放入少许黄油融化后,放入土豆饼,小火慢煎至两面金黄;
目的 介绍保留胰腺的十二指肠切除术.方法对2例恶性肿瘤,2例良性肿瘤,行保留胰腺的十二指肠全切除术3例,乳头以下的十二指肠切除术1例.结果无手术死亡,1例出现胸腔积液,1例出现吻合口梗阻,无其他严重并发症,均痊愈出院.结论对十二指肠良性疾病或低度恶性肿瘤,保留胰腺的十二指肠切除术是适宜的选择。