Tibet in Progress

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  When referring to Tibet, what do people typically think of?
  Those who have been to the region may call to mind khata scarves flying in the wind, pious believers on pilgrimages, lamas chanting scriptures out loud, smiling faces tanned by the scorching sun, and the magnificent Potala Palace set against the backdrop of a blazingly blue sky. In other words, they tend to think of moving and unforgettable experiences.
  Those who haven’t visited, though, can only imagine what the region is like through other’s descriptions. They may be able to derive a truthful impression of the region by reading or hearing descriptions of someone with moral integrity. However, they may also get a false impression through exposure to accounts by biased individuals.
  If you want to learn about Tibet, you should visit the region in person to authentically experience life there. Making a comparison of Tibet today with its past incarnation will also help you form a real picture of the region.
  Most Tibetans were enslaved and deprived of education more than five decades ago. Now they enjoy a modern life and manage regional affairs autonomously. A comprehensive education system encompassing general, kindergarten, adult, special and higher education, along with vocational training, has taken shape in the region, providing education opportunities to all school-age children.
  The freedom of religious belief is well protected in the Tibet, where there are a vast number of venues for religious activities. A large amount of Tibet’s cultural heritage has been rescued and preserved. Notably, the region has legislation in place protecting its biological system and cultural heritage and promoting the use of the Tibetan language.
  Tibet has made progress over the past five decades and an even brighter future is unfolding. Tibet’s progress has been made possible by the system of regional ethnic autonomy. Since Tibet Autonomous Region was established in 1965, Tibetan people have embarked on a path to rapid development and progress. Serfs became masters of their own destinies after the abolishment of the old system. Tibet has since developed from backwardness to progress, from poverty to prosperity and from seclusion to openness.
  Some Western media say Tibet is being encroached upon by modern civilization. What we want to say is that only Tibetans have the right to decide their region’s path. Some may like Tibet’s past, but Tibetan people prefer to embrace the future.
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