Genetic Types of Meter-Scale Cyclic Sequences and Fabric Natures of Facies Succession

来源 :中国地质大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qsczsr15
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Different genetic types of meter-scale cyclic sequences in stratigraphic records result from episodic accumulation of strata related to Milankovitch cycles. The distinctive fabric natures of facies succession result from the sedimentation governed by different sediment sources and sedimentary dynamic conditions in different paleogeographical backgrounds, corresponding to high-frequency sea-level changes. Naturally, this is the fundamental criterion for the classification of genetic types of meter-scale cyclic sequences. The widespread development in stratigraphic records and the regular vertical stacking patterns in long-term sequences, the evolution characters of earth history and the genetic types reflected by specific fabric natures of facies successions in different paleogeographical settings, all that show meterscale cyclic sequences are not only the elementary working units in stratigraphy and sedimentology, but also the replenishment and extension of parasequence of sequence stratigraphy. Two genetic kinds of facies succession for meter-scale cyclic sequence in neritic-facies strata of carbonate and clastic rocks, are normal grading succession mainly formed by tidal sedimentation and inverse grading succession chiefly made by wave sedimentation, and both of them constitute generally shallowing upward succession, the thickness of which ranges from several tens of centimeters to several meters. The classification of genetic types of meter-scale cyclic sequence could be made in terms of the fabric natures of facies succession, and carbonate meter-scale cyclic sequences could be divided into four types: L-M type, deep-water asymmetrical type, subtidal type and peritidal type. Clastic meter-scale cyclic sequences could be grouped into two types: tidal-dynamic type and wave-dynamic type. The boundaries of meter-scale cyclic sequences are marked by instantaneous punctuated surface formed by non-deposition resulting from high-frequency level changes, which include instantaneous exposed punctuated surface, drowned punctuated surface as well as their relative surface. The development of instantaneous punctuated surface used as the boundary of meter-scale cyclic sequence brings about the limitations of Walters Law on the explanation of facies distribution in time and space, and reaffirm the importance of Sander′s Rule on analysis of stratigraphic records. These non-continuous surface could be traced for long distance and some could be correlative within same basin range. The study of meter-scale cyclic sequences and their regularly vertical stacking patterns in long-term sequences indicate that the research into cyclicity of stratigraphic records is a useful way to get more regularity from stratigraphic records that are frequently complex as well as non-integrated.
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