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交通部水运管理司和交通部科学研究院于1996年12月23日至26日在南京联合召开了全国水路客运发展的战略研讨会。各有关省、市交通主管部门、港航企业以及中国工程院、中国船舶工业总公司。总后勤军事交通运输协会、中国造船工程学会和有关科研、设计院所等单位的领导和专家共130人与会。会议收到论文76篇(其中40篇编入了论文集),交流23篇。与会代表就水路旅客运输发展战略问题进行了广泛的交流和深入的探讨,并取得了共识。 研讨会认为:针对目前客运船舶速度低下、功能单一、客运设施落后等制约因素,应在调整和优化运力结构、改善服务设施和加强宏观调控方面做好文章,同时应制定科学的发展规划,完善水路客运市场的运营机制,拓展集资渠道和提高船舶的性能。研讨会认为“高速化、旅游化和滚装化”是水路客运的发展方向,也是水路客运新的增长点。 与会专家和代表认为,通过这次会议,转变了观念,统一了认识,明确了目标,研讨会对水路客运今后的健康发展带来了生机,水路客运的前景将充满希望和光明。 The Ministry of Communications and the Ministry of Communications of the Ministry of Communications and the Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Communications jointly held a strategic seminar on the development of water transport by sea in Nanjing from December 23 to December 26, 1996. All relevant provincial and municipal traffic authorities, port and shipping companies and the Chinese Academy of Engineering, China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation. General Logistics Military Transportation Association, China Shipbuilding Engineering Society and the relevant scientific research, design institutes and other units of leaders and experts a total of 130 people attended. The conference received 76 papers (40 were included in the proceedings), exchange of 23 articles. Participants on the waterway passenger transport development strategy conducted extensive exchanges and in-depth discussion, and reached a consensus. The symposium held: In view of the current low speed of passenger ships, the single function and the lagging behind of passenger facilities, the article should do a good job in adjusting and optimizing the structure of transportation capacity, improving service facilities and strengthening macro control. At the same time, we should formulate a scientific development plan and improve Waterway passenger transport market operating mechanism, expand the channel of fund-raising and improve the performance of the ship. The seminar held that “speeding up, tourism and roll-on” is the development direction of waterway passenger transport and a new growth point for waterway passenger transport. Experts and representatives attending the meeting said that through this meeting, they have changed their concepts, unanimously recognized and clarified their objectives. The seminar has brought vitality to the healthy development of the waterway passenger transport in the future. The prospect of waterway passenger transportation will be full of hope and light.
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