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麦氏弧菌是目前国内外所公认的11种致病性弧菌之一,它主要引起人类伤口感染和败血症,现已引起国内外学者的普遍关注。据美国CDC肠道细菌弧菌研究室报道,麦氏弧菌来源于人类血液、尿液、水源、食品、蟹等。近年来,我国已有从水源、人牛粪便中检出的报道。1991年6月,我们从苍蝇标本中检出麦氏弧菌27株,并对其作了生化特性及毒素原性的研究,现将结果报告如下。1 材料与方法1.1 标本来源按照文献方法采集我市区内集贸市场、饭店、食品厂、医院、大粪场苍蝇299份(每10只为1份)。 Vibrio alginolyticus is one of the 11 pathogenic Vibrio that is recognized at home and abroad. It mainly causes human wound infection and sepsis, which has aroused widespread concern of domestic and foreign scholars. According to the report of the American CDC Intestinal Bacterial Vibrio Research Laboratory, Vibrio morale is derived from human blood, urine, water, food, crabs and the like. In recent years, China has been reported from the water source, cow manure detected. In June 1991, we detected 27 strains of Vibrio imazetha isolated from flies specimens and made biochemical and deoxynivalence studies. The results are reported below. 1 Materials and methods 1.1 Sources of specimens According to the literature method, I collected 299 flies (1 for every 10) of the fairs, restaurants, food factories, hospitals and dung fields in our urban area.
目的 研究血清同型半胱氨酸、超敏C反应蛋白及血脂检测对脑梗死的诊断意义.方法 选择41例脑梗死患者作为研究组,另选择同期41例体检健康志愿者作为对照组.比较两组患者血清同
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