中国作家首获诺贝尔文学奖 翻译作用功不可没

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当地时间10月11日中午(北京时间晚7时),瑞典文学院宣布,2012年诺贝尔文学奖授予中国作家莫言。莫言是第一位获得诺贝尔文学奖的中国籍作家。国际翻译家联盟原副主席、评奖委员会主席柯本迪(Bente Christensen)于12日向中国译协发来邮件,祝贺莫言获奖,并指出其获奖的关键是其作品配备了高质量的瑞典语译文。她说,在参加2007年第一届“中译外———中国走向世界之路”高层论坛时,曾有记者问她,中国作家如何才能获得诺贝尔文学奖,她回答说,将作品译入瑞典语,让 Local time at noon on October 11 (Beijing time 7 pm), the Swedish Academy announced that 2012 Nobel Prize for Literature awarded to Chinese writer Mo Yan. Mo Yan was the first Chinese national writer to win the Nobel Prize for Literature. Bente Christensen, former vice chairman of the International Translator’s Federation and chairman of the Awards Committee, sent an e-mail to the China Translator on the 12th to congratulate Mo Yan for winning the award. He pointed out that the key to winning the prize is that his work is equipped with high-quality Swedish translations. She said that when attending the first high-level forum of 2007 “Outstanding Chinese-Foreign Translation --- China Going the World”, a reporter asked her how Chinese writers could win the Nobel Prize for Literature. She said that she will return Works translated into Swedish, Jean
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