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一、新课程理念下的课程管理课程结构调整是课程改革的一项重要而关键的任务。我国在《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)》中明确指出,基础教育课程改革的目标之一,是“改变课程管理中过于集中的状况,实行国家、地方、学校三级课程管理,增强课程对地方、学校及学生的适应性”。我校在基础教育课程改革中,针对学生多样化发展的需要,给予学生自由选择课程的权利,注重了校本课程和综合实践课程的开发。1、校本课程的开发校本课程是与国家课程、地方课程在培养目标一致的前提下,根据学生多样化的需要、教师专业发展的需要,灵活安排的课程,体现学校的办学特色及本校发展需要。我校组织了一批有经验的教师自编教材,成立课外兴趣小 First, the curriculum management under the new curriculum concept Curriculum structure adjustment is an important and key task of the curriculum reform. In the Outline of Basic Education Curriculum Reform (Trial), our country clearly pointed out that one of the goals of the reform of the curriculum of basic education is to “change the situation of over-concentration in the management of the curriculum, implement the management of the three-level courses at the state, local and school levels, and enhance the curriculum Local, school and student adaptability. ” Our school in the basic education curriculum reform, in response to the needs of students diversified development, giving students the right to freely choose the course, focusing on school-based curriculum and integrated practice curriculum development. 1, the development of school-based curriculum School-based curriculum is the same as the national curriculum, local curriculum training objectives, according to the needs of students, professional development needs of teachers, flexible arrangements for the course, reflecting the characteristics of the school and the school development needs . My school has organized a group of experienced teachers to compile their own textbooks, the establishment of extracurricular interest is small
请先欣赏一代女词人李清照《醉花阴》词的后半阕 :“东篱把酒黄昏后 ,有暗香盈袖。莫道不销魂 ,帘卷西风 ,人比黄花瘦。”据伊士珍《记》记载 :“易安以重阳《醉花阴》词
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