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为更好地向国际社会宣传推介国际产能合作重要倡议,汇聚各方推进国际产能合作的共识与动力,国家发展改革委在博鳌亚洲论坛2016年年会期间主办了国际产能合作论坛。论坛以“国际产能合作:凝聚全球经济增长新动力”为主题,国家发展改革委副主任兼国家统计局局长宁吉喆、巴基斯坦计划发展部长伊克巴尔、北京大学教授林毅夫、河北省副省长张杰辉、哈萨克斯坦欧亚资源集团董事长马什科维奇等作为发言嘉宾,围绕国际产能合作的一系列重要问题进行了深入讨论。国家发展改革委副主任兼国家统计局局长宁吉喆在论坛上全面介绍了中国倡导国际产能合作的主要考虑、推进国际产能合作已经取得的积极进展、未来五年开展国际产能合作的思路和举措,并就如何破解民营企业“走出去”融资难问题阐述了意见。中国国际经济交流中心常务副理事长张晓强担任论坛主持人,中外政府官员、企业家、学者等约200人参会,数十家国内外媒体对论坛作了深入报道,引起了广泛反响。现将国家发展改革委副主任兼国家统计局局长宁吉喆在博鳌亚洲论坛2016年年会国际产能合作分论坛上的发言刊发如下,以飨读者。 In order to better promote the international community to promote important initiatives for international capacity cooperation and bring together the consensus and impetus of all parties in promoting international capacity cooperation, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) hosted the International Capacity-Cooperation Forum during the 2016 Annual Meeting of Boao Forum for Asia. Under the theme of “International Cooperation in Capacity Building: Cohesion of New Drivers of Global Economic Growth,” Ning Ji Zhe, Deputy Director of National Development and Reform Commission and Director of National Bureau of Statistics, Iqbal, Minister of Planning and Development of Pakistan, Lin Yifu, Professor of Peking University, Vice President of Hebei Province Governor Zhang Jiehui and Kazakhstan’s chairman of Eurasian Resources Group, Mashkovic, made speeches on the series of important issues concerning international capacity-building. Ning Jizhe, the deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission and director of the National Bureau of Statistics, gave a comprehensive introduction to the forum on the main considerations of China in promoting international capacity-production cooperation and the positive progress made in advancing international capacity-cooperation. The ideas and measures for carrying out international capacity cooperation in the next five years , And elaborated opinions on how to crack down on the financing difficulties of private enterprises “going out ”. Zhang Xiaoqiang, executive vice chairman of China International Economic Exchange Center, was the moderator of the forum. About 200 foreign and domestic government officials, entrepreneurs and scholars attended the conference. Dozens of domestic and foreign media made in-depth coverage of the forum and caused widespread repercussions. Now, the speech delivered by NING Jizhe, deputy director of NDRC and director of the National Bureau of Statistics, on the sub-forum of International Cooperation in Capacity Building at the 2016 Annual Meeting of Boao Forum for Asia is to be published as follows.
【摘 要】农村“三资”管理直接关系到农民群众的切身利益,相关政策和制度逐年进行了完善,但“三资”管理领域仍存在许多问题。本文以福建省宁德市农村“三资”现状为例, 考察了其基本情况; 指出了存在的问题; 并从4个方面提出针对性的对策。  【关键词】农村;“三资”管理;问题与建议  一、宁德市农村“三资”管理基本情况  宁德市以“世纪之村”村集体“三资”监管平台为载体,已全面建起了市、县、乡三级农村集
【摘要】随着房屋建筑业竞争的日益激烈,房屋建筑企业能够持续的发展,就必须加强施工 管理、提供施工人员的技能和素质,并在施工的各个环节中进行有效的管理,从各方面加强施工 管理,提高房屋建筑企业的经济效益和社会效益,加快我国城市化的发展水平。本文探讨了新时期房屋建筑工程 施工的管理策略。  【关键词】新时期;房屋建筑工程;施工;管理策略  工程管理工作是房屋建筑施工的一个重要的工作之一,整个工程能否顺