Assets Expropriation via Cash Dividends?Free Cash Flow or Tunneling

来源 :China Journal of Accounting Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fanyanbing
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This study solves the dispute between the free cash flow and tunneling hypotheses in explaining the role of cash dividends on asset expropriation of the controlling shareholders in Chinese listed firms. Investors value more the cash dividends and the cash holdings of firms with lower ownership control than those of firms with higher ownership control. This is more consistent with the tunneling hypothesis. However, when investment opportunities are considered, the free cash flow hypothesis better explains firms’ dividend policy. Investors value more the cash dividends of firms with fewer investment opportunities and higher probability of expropriation. This study indicates that investors are concerned with the potential asset expropriation through cash payouts, unless firms possess high growth opportunities. This study solves the dispute between the free cash flow and tunneling hypotheses in explaining the role of cash dividends on asset expropriation of the controlling shareholders in Chinese listed firms. Investors value more the cash dividends and the cash holdings of firms with lower ownership control than that However, when investment opportunities are considered, the free cash flow hypothesis better ingredients firms’ dividend policy. Investors more more with the tunneling hypothesis. This study shows that investors are concerned with the potential asset expropriation through cash payouts, while firms possess high growth opportunities.
摘要:混凝土冬季施工在所难免,本文就混凝土冬季施工的技术要求,包括原材料、拌制、运输浇注以后期处理进行了阐述,并提出商品混凝土冬季施工易出现的问题和预防措施,严格按规范组织施工,从而保证工程质量。  关键词:冬季施工;商品混凝土;防治措施;成品保护  1、引言  根据近年来气象资料显示,我地区最冷的一月最低气温在-8℃以上,按本工程施工进度安排,冬期施工主要在11月15日~1月15日,其中11月1
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目的了解辖区入学前儿童生长发育情况,为幼托机构做好营养指导和卫生保健工作提供依据。方法对辖区7所公立幼儿园3183名儿童进行体检并分析生长发育情况。结果 3183例儿童中,
心脏功能的测定过去均以血液动力学的变化如心输出量、每搏输出量及左心室舒张末期压等来表示,或用更为复杂的检查方法如左室舒张末期容量和射血分数等。这些方 Cardiac fu