Effects of Transgenic DREB Toybean Dongnong50 on Diversity of Soil Nitrogen-fixing Bacteria

来源 :Journal of Northeast Agricultural University(English Edition | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:XUANWU30128
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Drought is a bottleneck for worldwide soybean production which is getting more serious as the climate continues to worsen. Dehydration responsive element binding(DREB) is a kind of transcription factor that regulates the expression of stress tolerance-related genes in response to drought, high salinity and cold stress in plant. Soybean with DREB gene possesses the drought resisting capability which is helpful to increase the yield. However, the potential risk of genetically modified plants(GMPs) on soil microbial community is still in debate. In order to understand the effects of transgenic DREB soybean on the nitrogen-fixing bacteria, the diversity of nif H gene in pot experiments planted transgenic soybean and near-isogenic nontransgenic soybean under normal water condition and drought stress condition was analyzed by PCR-DGGE and sequence analysis. The results showed that transgenic soybean under normal water condition decrease the diversity of the nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the seeding stage and flowering stage, but had no notable effect in other stages. Under drought stress, transgenic soybean reduced the diversity of the nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the flowering stage, but had no notable effects on other stages. Phylogenic analysis revealed that g7, g13, g15 and g19 had a close relationship with Alphaproteobacteria, g12 had a close relationship with Azonexus, others were related to Betaproteobacteria and Burkholderia. Drought is a bottleneck for worldwide soybean production which is getting more serious as the climate continues to worsen. Dehydration responsive element binding (DREB) is a kind of transcription factor that regulates the expression of stress tolerance-related genes in response to drought, high salinity and the cold stress in plant. Soybean with DREB gene possesses the drought resisting capability which is helpful to increase the yield. However, the potential risk of genetically modified plants (GMPs) on soil microbial community is still in debate. of transgenic DREB soybean on the nitrogen-fixing bacteria, the diversity of nif H gene in pot experiments planted transgenic soybean and near-isogenic nontransgenic soybean under normal water condition and drought stress condition was analyzed by PCR-DGGE and sequence analysis. The results showed that transgenic soybean under normal water condition decrease the diversity of the nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the se eding stage and flowering stage, but had no notable effect in other stages. Under drought stress, transgenic soybean reduced the diversity of the nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the flowering stage, but had no notable effects on other stages. Phylogenic analysis revealed that g7, g13, g15 and g19 had a close relationship with Alphaproteobacteria, g12 had a close relationship with Azonexus, others were related to Betaproteobacteria and Burkholderia.
发明是人类的创造性活动,是人类主观能动性的鲜明体现。乍看,动物与发明两者之间似乎风马牛不相及,然而,人们在探索动物世界的奥秘的过程中却受到了启迪,许多科技发明都与动物结下了不解之缘。  乌贼与侧壁气垫船 乌贼素有“海上火箭”之称,速度可达41米/秒,这主要是靠它那简单的结构和安全可靠的高速喷水推进器。人们模仿乌贼制成了有喷水推进器的侧壁气垫船,其速度可达40 米/秒,能在不足1 米深的浅水中飞速行
以前读陆游的诗词,读到的都是“夜阑卧听风吹雨,铁马冰河入梦来”、“上马击狂胡,下马草军书”、“王师北定中原日,家祭无忘告乃翁”这般豪迈激昂的文字,于是便把他单纯地定义为一个岳飞式的爱国文人。直到读了《钗头凤》,知道了他和唐婉的爱情悲剧,才发现,放翁的一生,也萦绕着这样一段心碎的柔情。唐婉,这个名字永永远远地烙在陆游心上,成为他生生世世无法摆脱的痛。  所以,有时甚至会认为,陆游一生渴望征战沙场,是