阀控非对称油缸的频率特性——第一篇 理论分析

来源 :国外舰船技术(特辅机电设备类) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:smartq
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本文论述了阀控非对称油缸的频率特性。非对称油缸尽管其本身结构造成非线性特性,但是由于它结构简单、泄漏处少等优点,所以目前仍得到广泛应用。本文从流量连续方程、能量方程和负载运动方程推导出了非对称油缸的压力、速度、位移的控制方程。基于油缸腔体内的压力在低频率区域变化量很小这一事实,假设负载压力在半个周期内保持不变,便可求出油缸位移的输入偏移量方程。本文以两种计算方法进行了计算:一种是利用Runge-Kulta-Giu方法按控制方程进行计算,另一种是在负载为惯性、粘性和弹性三种中的一种时按近似方程进行汁算。同时,对这两种计算方法的计算结果进行了比较。本研究得出以下结论: (1) 输入偏移量和相位滞后与输入电流成正比,而增益几乎不受输入电流影响。 (2) 输入偏移量和相位滞后与负载成正比,而增益与负载成反比。 (3) 输入偏移量对增益和相位滞后几乎没有影响。 (4) 在频率低于30赫的情况下,工作油的可压缩系数可略而不计。 (5) 当以电流的正极侧振幅作为输入电流时,用输入偏移量校正过的特性与阀控对称油缸的特性非常相似。 This article discusses the frequency characteristics of valve controlled asymmetric cylinders. Although its own structure caused by non-symmetrical cylinder non-linearity, but because of its simple structure, less leakage and so on, it is still widely used. In this paper, the governing equations of pressure, velocity and displacement for asymmetric cylinders are derived from the flow continuity equation, energy equation and load equation of motion. Based on the fact that the pressure in the cylinder cavity changes little in the low frequency region, assuming that the load pressure remains constant for half a cycle, the input displacement equation of the cylinder displacement can be obtained. In this paper, two calculation methods are used: one is to calculate the control equation by the Runge-Kulta-Giu method and the other is to perform the juice approximation equation under the load of one of inertia, viscosity and elasticity Count At the same time, the calculation results of these two methods are compared. The research draws the following conclusions: (1) The input offset and phase lag are proportional to the input current, while the gain is hardly affected by the input current. (2) The input offset and phase lag are proportional to the load, while the gain is inversely proportional to the load. (3) The input offset has almost no effect on gain and phase lag. (4) At frequencies below 30 Hz, the compressibility of the working oil may be negligible. (5) The characteristics corrected by the input offset are very similar to those of a valve-controlled symmetric cylinder when the positive side amplitude of the current is taken as the input current.
本文报道了伯氏疟原虫ANKA株抗喹哌系(PR Line)红内期超微结构的形态特征,如食物泡数量增多,泡膜明显增宽,并出现螺纹膜,线粒体数量增多,核膜肿胀,间隙增宽,并有圆或椭圆状色
谈判骗术“七经典”—— ·“蘑菇云”: 这种战术是利用谈判之机,反复与对方接触,为摸清对方底数,只听取对方意见,自己不表态,待时机成熟,在对方毫无准备的情况下,突然提出