
来源 :微量元素与健康研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:WWL6612
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目的:分析2012~2014年株洲市手足口病流行特征及病原分布情况。方法:收集2012~2014年株洲市疾病监测报告信息系统报告的手足口病病例资料及株洲市疾病预防控制中心提供的1898份病原监测标本结果,采用描述性流行病学方法进行分析。结果:2012~2014年株洲市手足口病发病分别为5394例、5659例、9229例,在4~7月发病率呈现高峰。这几年度报告的手足口病病例都是以3岁及以下散居儿童为主,且男性发病率都高于女性。在1898份手足口病咽拭子样本中,共检出1207份肠道病毒阳性(普通病例116例,重症病例1091例),阳性率为63.59%,其中EV71感染576例,Cox A16感染258例,其他肠道病毒感染370例。结论:手足口病的发病在性别、年龄上有明显差异,EV71是导致手足口病发病的优势菌株,呈逐年下降趋势,应进一步加强手足口病的病原及疫情监测,以更好地做好手足口病的防控和诊断治疗工作。 Objective: To analyze the epidemiological characteristics and pathogen distribution of HFMD in Zhuzhou from 2012 to 2014. Methods: The data of hand-foot-mouth disease reported in the Disease Surveillance Reporting Information System of Zhuzhou City from 2012 to 2014 and the results of 1898 pathogen surveillance samples provided by Zhuzhou Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention were collected and analyzed by descriptive epidemiological method. Results: From 2012 to 2014, the incidence of HFMD in Zhuzhou City was 5394 cases, 5659 cases and 9229 cases, respectively. The incidence of HFMD in April and July was the highest. The reported cases of hand-foot-mouth disease in these years are all based on diasporas aged 3 and below, and the incidence of males is higher than that of females. In 1898 hand, foot and mouth disease throat swab samples, a total of 1207 cases of enterovirus positive (116 cases of common cases, 1091 cases of severe cases) were detected, the positive rate was 63.59%, of which 576 cases of EV71 infection and 258 cases of Cox A16 infection , Other enterovirus infections in 370 cases. Conclusion: The incidence of hand-foot-and-mouth disease is significantly different in gender and age. EV71 is the predominant strain that causes hand-foot-mouth disease, showing a declining trend year by year. The pathogens and epidemic situation of hand-foot-mouth disease should be further strengthened in order to be better Hand, foot and mouth disease prevention and treatment of diagnosis and treatment.
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