Research on geo-electrical resistivity observation system specially used for earthquake monitoring i

来源 :Earthquake Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jingliang3334
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This paper deals with the design and development of the observational system of geo-electrical resistivity on the basis of the demands for exploring the temporal variations of electrical properties of Earth media in the fixed points of the networks,which would be associated with the earthquake preparation.The observation system is characterized by the high accuracy in measurement,long term stability in operation and high level of rejection to the environmental interference.It consists of three main parts,configuration system measurement system,the calibration and inspection system. This paper deals with the design and development of the observational system of geo-electrical resistivity on the basis of the demands for exploring the temporal variations of electrical properties of Earth media in the fixed points of the networks, which would be associated with the earthquake preparation The observation system is characterized by the high accuracy in measurement, long term stability in operation and high level of rejection to the environmental interference. It consists of three main parts, configuration system measurement system, the calibration and inspection system.
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