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众多研究表明,ENSO事件不仅仅是热带地区大气和海洋异常年际变化现象,并且与中高纬度地区的气候异常变化相关联,一方面通过对两维定常行星波的强迫导致中高纬度地区的遥响应;另一方面,中高纬度的大气环流异常对ENSO事件的发生也具有触发作用.海冰变化可以引起盐度突变层的灾变和热盐环流的突然停止,可以导致半球乃至全球大气环流异常,最新研究表明,海冰面积变化周期与ENSO事件的周期有较好的一致性.本文讨论了冬季格陵兰、喀拉海和巴伦支海海冰年际变化与ENSO事件的关系,认为该海域海冰面积异常可以引起北半球大气环流异常响应,尤其是当海冰面积变化超前大气变化3年时,可以诱发大气高度场产生PNA型异常;ENSO事件都发生在海冰面积变化速度为极值点的冬季. Numerous studies show that the ENSO event is not only an interannual variation of the atmospheric and oceanic anomalies in tropical regions but also associated with anomalous climate changes in the mid-high latitudes. On the one hand, ENSO events are caused by the forcing of two- On the other hand, the atmospheric circulation anomalies in the middle and high latitudes also trigger the occurrence of ENSO events.Changes in sea ice can cause the catastrophic change of salinity layers and the abrupt halt of thermohaline circulation, leading to the occurrence of the global and global atmospheric circulation The latest research shows that the period of sea ice area change is in good agreement with the period of ENSO event.The paper discusses the relationship between the interannual change of sea ice and ENSO events in winter in Greenland, Karahee and Barents Sea, The abnormal sea ice area in the sea area can cause anomaly response to the atmospheric circulation in the Northern Hemisphere, especially when the change of the sea ice area is 3 years ahead of the atmospheric change, and PNA-type anomalies can be induced in the atmospheric height field. ENSO events occur when the sea ice area changes rapidly Point of winter.
Paget病一般呈湿疹样外观,伴发红癣者较少见,现将我所诊治的腋窝下Paget病伴发红癣一例报告如下: 患者男性,40岁,干部。1998年7月因左腋窝红斑半年,轻度瘙痒感1月就诊,无明
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