Review of actuators for high speed active flow control

来源 :Science China(Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:boluoxj
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Actuators are one of the key points for the development of active flow control technology.Efficient methods of high speed flow control can provide enhanced propulsive efficiency and at the same time enable safe and maneuverable high speed flight.The development of high speed flight technology promotes the emergence of novel and robust actuators.This review introduces the state of the art in the development of actuators that can be used in high speed active flow control.The classification and different operation criteria of the actuators are discussed.The specifications,mechanisms and applications of various popular actuator types including fluidic,mechanical,and plasma actuators are described.Based on the realistic need of high speed flow control and the existing results of actuators,a new actuator design method is proposed.At last,the merits and drawbacks of the actuators are summarized and some suggestions on the development of active flow control technology are put forward. Actuators are one of the key points for the development of active flow control technology. Efficient methods of high speed flow control can provide enhanced propulsive efficiency and at the same time enable safe and maneuverable high speed flight. The development of high speed flight technology promotes the emergence of novel and robust actuators. This review introduces the state of the art in the development of actuators that can be used in high speed active flow control.The classification and different operation criteria of the actuators are discussed. specifications, mechanisms and applications of various popular actuator types including fluidic, mechanical, and plasma actuators are included. At last on the merits of high speed flow control and the existing results of actuators, a new actuator design method is proposed. At last, the merits and drawbacks of the actuators are summarized and some suggestions on the development of active flow control technology are put forward.
目的 了解医学生在校期间体质量、体脂和体型的变化,为管理体质量促进健康提供科学依据.方法 跟踪100名医学生(男生44名,女生56名),分别于大学二年级和五年级下学期初,测量体
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摘 要:激发和养成学生对学习的兴趣与热情,确是古老而又富有生命力的课题。语文教学,同样要造成学生对语文课堂学习的热爱和崇高情感。兴趣是起点,因为“兴趣是最好的老师”。学习兴趣的调动更要注意深层次的挖掘,充分利用教材内容,让学生体味情趣、谐趣、理趣、志趣的高品位趣味。  关键词:语文教学 兴趣培养    面对纷繁复杂的社会和枯燥无味的课堂教学,常常让老师们费尽心机。老师在讲课,学生却没有激情,有