
来源 :中国安全科学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:emmagarden
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少数驾驶员适度饮酒后安全驾驶能力不降反升和不同人对酒精作用存在个体差异的事实表明:利用血液酒精浓度(BAC)判定酒后驾车行为的技术方案存在不足。为探索新型量化参数,结合酒后状态诱发试验和模拟驾驶测试,测取12位驾驶员不同程度饮酒后的脑电(EEG)和规范化交通事故倾向指标。结果发现:随着饮酒量的增加,驾驶员左额叶区EEG的瞬时复杂度和长时周期度都增加。结合模糊熵算法构造并计算EEG特征参数。相关性分析表明:在驾驶员从未饮酒到重度饮酒的过程中,其左额叶区EEG模糊熵和规范化事故倾向指标间的平均相关系数为0.76,二者正相关。因此,根据该模糊熵变化能判断其酒后安全驾驶能力的变化。 The fact that the driver’s ability to drive safely after a moderate amount of alcohol consumption increases non-decreasingly and that there are individual differences in the role of alcohol in different persons indicates that there are deficiencies in the technical solution to determine the behavior of drink-driving by using blood alcohol concentration (BAC). In order to explore new quantitative parameters, combined with postprandial state-induced test and simulated driving test, 12 drivers were tested for EEG and standardized traffic accident tendency indicators. The results showed that with the increase of alcohol consumption, the instantaneous complexity and long-term period of driver’s EEG in the left frontal lobe increased. Combined with fuzzy entropy algorithm to construct and calculate EEG characteristic parameters. Correlation analysis showed that there was a positive correlation between the EEG fuzzy entropy and the normalized accident tendency index of the left frontal lobe in the process of never drinking alcohol to severe alcohol consumption. Therefore, according to the change of fuzzy entropy to determine the change of safe driving ability after drinking.
一个清华博士到外企工作,老板派给他的活竟是打扫工地──当清洁工。 朱荣辉,6岁时是一个放牛娃,13岁以全县第一名的成绩考入县重点中学,16岁考入清华大学,成为所在地区恢复高考后第一
为了切身贯彻“穷游”理念,我和蒙蒙买了廉价航班的机票:从胡志明市飞河内,含税只有300多元。但我们忽视了这次航班的时间——当在空中经历了河内百年难得一遇的雷电暴风天气,飞机终于落地河内机场时,已经是午夜一点多了。  我们俩姑娘费劲地提着各自塞满越南甜辣酱、工艺品、衣服、钥匙扣等在20公斤基础上还超重了的箱子,跟着人流走出了机场,想找一辆机场大巴。  可是我们不会说越南话啊,而且偌大个机场,在这个打
Two new compounds, isoquinoline-1, 3-dicarboxyaldehyde and (IDA) were synthesizedvia 6 or 7 steps starting from benzaldehyde, or prepared via 4 steps starting f
在稀释剂PF5060 介质中,FC-722 在波长205nm 处有最大吸收峰,据此建立了一种紫外分光光度法测定FC-722 含量的新方法,用于抗湿剂AWA(Anti-Wetting Agent)试液中FC-722 含量的测定,达到了令人满意的结果。
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