来源 :Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English Letters) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Sampan_nb
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Tool condition is one of the main concerns in friction stir welding (FSW), because the geometrical condition of the tool pin including size and shape is strongly connected to the microstructure and mechanical performance of the weld. Tool wear occurs during FSW, especially for welding metal matrix composites with large amounts of abrasive particles, and high melting point materials, which significantly expedite tool wear and deteriorate the mechanical performance of welds. Tools with different pin-wear levels are used to weld 6061 Al alloy, while acoustic emission (AE) sensing, metallographic sectioning, and tensile testing are employed to evaluate the weld quality in various tool wear conditions. Structural characterization shows that the tool wear interferes with the weld quality and accounts for the formation of voids in the nugget zone. Tensile test analysis of samples verifies that both the ultimate tensile strength and the yield strength are adversely affected by the formation of voids in the nugget due to the tool wear. The failure location during tensile test clearly depends on the state of the tool wear, which led to the analysis of the relationships between the structure of the nugget and tool wear. AE signatures recorded during welding reveal that the AE hits concentrate on the higher amplitudes with increasing tool wear. The results show that the AE sensing provides a potentially effective method for the on-line monitoring of tool wear. Tool condition is one of the main concerns in friction stir welding (FSW), because the geometrical condition of the tool pin includes size and shape is strongly connected to the microstructure and mechanical performance of the weld. Tool wear occurs during FSW, especially for welding metal matrix composites with large amounts of abrasive particles, and high melting point materials, which significantly expedite tool wear and deteriorate the mechanical performance of welds. Tools with different pin-wear levels are used to weld 6061 Al alloy, while acoustic emission (AE) sensing, metallographic sectioning, and tensile testing are employed to evaluate the weld quality in various tool wear conditions. Structural characterization shows that the tool wear interferes with the weld quality and accounts for the formation of voids in the nugget zone. Tensile test analysis of samples verifies that both the ultimate tensile strength and the yield strength are adversely affected by the formation of vault in the nugget due to the tool wear. The failure location during tensile test clearly depends on the state of the tool wear, which led to the analysis of the relationships between the structure of the nugget and tool wear. that the AE hits concentrate on the higher amplitudes with increasing tool wear. The results show that the AE sensing provides a potentially effective method for the on-line monitoring of tool wear.
本人从事教育工作已有不少年了,自认为初中教育还是比较成功的。静下心来将自己班主任工作总结为两大方面,以便日后进一步完善自己的教学方法,提高教学效果。  一、班主任自身心理素养的行成过程  心理素养是人的素质结构的核心,无论是情感的陶冶,知识的掌握,智力的形成,还是审美素养的提高等都离不开良好的心理素质。因此,作为教育者,不仅要走到学生的身边,更要走进学生的心灵世界,因为"健康的心理是所有教育的前提
摘要:“把时间还给学生!把健康还给学生!把快乐还给学生!”。每天锻炼一小时,健康生活一辈子。学校在“大课间活动”在实施过程中受场地、器材、教师认识、家长态度等各方面的影响,使大课间活动的开展不尽人意。通过对学生调查访问,发现存在一些问题,本人对其问题进行思考,提出一些建议,利用“阳光体育”这个平台,牢固树立“健康第一、终身体育”的指导思想,切实有效地开展“大课间活动”。  关键词:大课间;特色活动
摘要:《活着》是余华将目光转向民间大众以及他们的生活,用平静语调蕴含着淡淡的温情讲述“老百姓”的故事这样一部具有代表意义的作品。它要告诉我们的是“中国人这几十年来是如何熬过来的”,他们依靠的是坚韧、忍耐,是自己卑微的“平常人”的哲学,虽不崇高但无限执着。余华在作品中一改往日先锋文学的姿态,显示出回归现实主义创作的新因素,叙事手段富有回归方式。  关键词:真实;生命;内涵     余华以其特有的思维