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省长王君主修的《山西省志·交通志》已于2010年7月由中华书局正式出版发行,这是新时期山西交通事业发展史上的一件大事,具有里程碑意义。在这部183万余字的煌煌巨著中,全面展示了改革开放30年来山西交通事业发展取得的巨大成就,淋漓尽致地展现了3300万三晋儿女艰苦奋斗改变闭塞落后、意气风发奔小康的伟大精神风貌,写尽了山西人民跨越发展勇闯一流的时代风流,谱就了一曲凸现时代特征的历史赞歌!展卷拜 Governor Wang Jun majoring in “Shanxi Province, traffic journals” in July 2010 by the Zhonghua Publishing House officially released, which is the new era of transport in Shanxi history of a major event, a milestone. In this magnificent book of more than 183,000 words, it fully shows the tremendous achievements made in the development of Shanxi’s transportation during the past 30 years of reform and opening up and vividly demonstrated the great spiritual outlook of 33 million children in Sanjin’s arduous struggle to change the backwardness and the backwardness of their emotions, , Wrote the Shanxi people across the development of courageous times romantic, spectrum of a historical highlights of the characteristics of the times hymn! Exhibition worship
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尼基·芳斯,今年12岁,是个活泼可爱的健康孩子。谁能想到,她出生时只有380克,据说是世界上最小的孩子呢? 当尼基·芳斯提前3个月出生时,她的父母感到非常震惊。这个比一块黄
  Reaction-diffusion waves arise in various applications in physics,chemistry and biology.From the mathematical point of view these are particular solutions o
  In the still running process of generalizing coherent states the situation when the measure - customarily incorporated in their definition - is indeterminat
  It is common wisdom that Hilbert space is too "small" for quantum mechanics,in that it fails to contain useful objects such as a plane wave or a δ function