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目的学习新版《职业病危害因素分类目录》,为做好相关工作提供参考。方法分析新版《职业病危害因素分类目录》修订的原则、主要变化及影响。结果新版《职业病危害因素分类目录》将原《目录》的10类130余种职业病危害因素,修订为6类459种(5个开放性条款),调整了类别、细化了内容、不列举可能导致的职业病、不包括行业工种举例、增加了CAS号查询,其篇幅简洁,版面编排通俗易懂,方便用人单位与劳动者查询,更体现预防性原则。结论《目录》的修订适应当前职业病危害因素日趋多样化与复杂化形势,也对职业病危害项目申报、职业病危害因素检测与评价及职业健康检查等职业病防治相关工作提出更高要求。 Objective To study the new edition of “Classification of Occupational Hazard Factors” to provide references for doing a good job in related work. Methods To analyze the principle, major changes and impacts of the revision of the new classification of occupational disease hazards. Results The new edition of “Classification of Occupational Hazards” revised the 130 categories of 10 types of occupational disease hazards in the original “Catalog” to 459 kinds in 6 categories (5 open clauses), adjusted the categories and refined the contents, The resulting occupational diseases, not including the example of trades in the industry, added the CAS number inquiries. The space is simple and the layout is easy to understand. It is convenient for employing units and laborers to inquire, and moreover, it shows the principle of precautionary principle. Conclusion The revision of “Catalog” adapts to the situation of increasingly diversified and complicated occupational hazards. It also puts forward higher requirements on occupational disease prevention and control such as declaration of occupational disease hazards, detection and evaluation of occupational hazards and occupational health examination.
【正】 28 “打”训读为“拍”琼州方言常把“打”说做[fa?],字应写作“拍”,《广韵》入声陌韵普伯切。琼州方言文读[f?k?],白读[fa?] 但当地常把“打”训读为“拍”,例如:打