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随着国民生活水平的提高,和国家城市化进程的发展,高楼建筑如同雨后春笋迅速拔地而起。然而多起重大火灾发生,众多生命可以避免的丧失,给人类震耳欲聋的警钟,高楼救生不容忽视。调查表明高楼火灾发生后,人的死亡原因大多并不是被火烧死,是被高温与被火灾污染的恶劣环境所迫死亡,在救生人员到达前窒息或跳楼死亡。高层建筑发生火灾等意外灾难时的逃生问题受到了人们的日益重视。我国的政府已经把安全保护与安全生产工作提到了基本国策的高度。随着人们对安全与和平、生存与健康越来越重视,和在全球经济一体化和中国加入WTO的背景下,21世纪世界和平与安全、经济高速发展与灾害(包括人为灾害、自然灾害)防御都将成为重要的研究课题。安全缺少保障的问题带给人类的困惑,已经引起了社会各界的普遍关注,也将预示着救生救援自救和安全保护产业蓬勃发展的前景。本文对火灾救生的救生缓降器部分进行人性化套装设计的包装设计、安全缚身绳设计、监护人和被监护人的关系处理、把手设计、绳子的收纳问题、造型设计部分进行详细阐述。对目前市场普遍使用的缓降器非人性化的现状进行人性化再设计。本文主要内容是正对健全成年人辅助老弱病残孕火灾自救下降的分析研究。 With the improvement of the living standards of the people and the development of the national urbanization process, high-rise buildings are springing up like mushrooms. However, many major fires have taken place and numerous lives can be avoided. This has given human beings an alarming alarm and a high-rise life-saving event that can not be ignored. Investigation shows that after the occurrence of a high-rise building fire, most of the causes of human death are not burnt to death. They are forced to die by high temperatures and harsh environments exposed to fire and asphyxiate or jump off before the life-saving officers arrive. The evacuation of high-rise buildings in case of accidental disasters has received increasing attention. My country’s government has referred to the height of its basic national policy in its work on safety protection and safety in production. With people’s increasing emphasis on security and peace, survival and health, and under the background of global economic integration and China’s accession to the WTO, peace and security in the world in the 21st century, the rapid economic development and disasters (including man-made disasters and natural disasters) Defense will become an important research topic. The confusion caused by the lack of security has caused widespread concern in the community and will also herald the prospect of a life-saving rescue and safety protection industry flourishing. In this paper, the design of humane package design, the design of safety tether, the relationship between guardian and guardian, the design of handle, the storage problem of rope and the part of modeling design are described in detail. Humanized re-design of the dehumanization status currently used in the market. The main content of this paper is to analyze the research on the self-help descent of the adult-assisted fi-
为探讨n-6/n-3多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA)比值为10或20对断奶仔猪生长性能及LPS诱导的肠道形态的影响,试验选用24头28 d断奶、平均体重(6.8±0.55)kg的荣昌小公猪,采用2×2因子试