
来源 :吉林地质 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ghost_lovelove
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华北板块北缘东段(吉林省境内)地质构造的研究历来为学者所关注,研究成果颇多。笔者通过最新的地质-地球物理资料的分析研究,认为:该带重磁场的总体特征,即近东西向展布的地球物理场态,被北东向或与之相联系的其它方向的重磁场带或梯度带分隔、切割、干扰和改造;区域构造框架——古东西向构造,为中生代北东向等构造改造、包容及其它各种复合关系,具有较高的一致性。通过对该带划的5个构造重磁场区段之一的富尔河区段的剖析,确证重磁场的内部结构与地质构造要素的空间组合——断裂及为断裂所挟持的条块区的物质组成,具有相互对应的关系。依据重磁场综合削面对深部构造解释成果,探讨了表层与深部构造的关系,提出了“雪橇型”构造模型的初步认识和进一步研究的重要意义。从而较为完整、概括地阐明了华北板块北缘东段拼贴带的地质-地球物理特征。 The research on the geological structure of the eastern section of the North China margin of the North China Plate (in Jilin Province) has always been of concern to scholars and many achievements have been made. The author through the latest geophysical and geophysical data analysis and research, that: the overall characteristics of the heavy magnetic field, that is, the distribution of the near east-west geophysical state, the North East or associated with the other direction of the heavy magnetic field Belt or gradient zone separation, cutting, interference and transformation; regional tectonic framework - paleo-west structure, for the Mesozoic northeast and other structural transformation, tolerance and other various complex relationships, with high consistency. Through the analysis of the section of the Fur River section, one of the five heavy and magnetic field sections with zoned features, it is confirmed that the spatial combination of the internal structure of the gravity and magnetic field and the geological structural elements - the fracture and the block zone Material composition, with mutual correspondence. According to the result of deep structure interpretation by comprehensive gravity and magnetic field cutting, the relationship between surface and deep structure was discussed, and the preliminary understanding and further study of “sled type” structural model was put forward. Therefore, the geophysical and geophysical characteristics of the collage zone in the eastern section of the northern margin of the North China Plate are clarified.
应用吡喹酮治疗脑囊虫病可出现不同程度的急性颅内压增高,现将我院所见三例报告如下: 例1为女性,30岁。因头痛、呕吐3个月入院。补体结合试验检查为强阳性。前胸及双上肢有
特发性脑静脉血栓可能引起严重神经性残疾。本文评价这种紊乱危险因素,包括遗传危险因素(编码因子V和凝血酶原基因突变)和非遗传危险因素(如使用口服避孕药剂)。方法 研究对象为脑
出了事总有父辈为他们遮风挡雨,甚至轻易地摆平一切,而整个社会也因为媚官媚富媚名人的劣根性,而给予他们更大的容忍度  2013年9月26日上午,各方高度关注的李某某等人强奸案在北京市海淀区法院一审宣判,法院以强奸罪分别判处被告人李某某有期徒刑10年、王某等4人有期徒刑12年至3年(缓刑3年)不等的有期徒刑。  自2月案发以来,这起案件便进入公众视野。尤其在进入司法程序以后,案件波澜不断,备受瞩目。而