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中华医学会办刊已有77年的历史。自1915年创建学会开始就把办刊作为学会的一项最主要的工作。但这个事业得以迅速发展,是在中华人民共和国成立以后,仅50年代便有14种杂志先后创刊,至1966年因“文化大革命”被迫停刊时,已拥有系列杂志17种。1972年春,在周恩来总理的亲切关怀下,中华医学会开始恢复工作,同年11月《中华医学杂志》复刊。 Chinese Medical Association has 77 years of history. Since the founding of the Society in 1915, the Journal has been regarded as one of the most important tasks of the Institute. However, the rapid development of this undertaking was started after the founding of the People’s Republic of China in the 1950s alone. Fourteen magazines were successively published in the 1950s and by the time of the forced suspension of the Cultural Revolution in 1966, there were already 17 magazines. In the spring of 1972, under the cordial concern of Premier Zhou Enlai, the Chinese Medical Association began to resume its work. In November of the same year, “Chinese Medical Journal” was resumed.
加拿大多伦多大学于1988年春创办了《中国地理与环境》译丛(Chinese GeograPhy and Environmet,A Journal of Translations),由该校地理系陆兆熊(Shiu—hung Luk),和Joseph
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