推行一体化目标管理 提高经济效益

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工业企业推行一体化目标管理,就是“以实现最佳经济效益为目的,以内部承包和岗位责任制为手段,以经营管理为龙头,以财务管理为纽带,以目标管理为内容,在企业内部实行全方位,综合性管理,促进企业各项管理配套完善,以实现企业整体优化”(基本方案共7条20款)。从今年3月中旬起,在我市纺织系统8户企业进行了为期一个月的试点,取得了显著成效。现在此项工作已在全市范围内全面铺开。一、组织专班力量,为试点工作问路寻径试点伊始,市委市政府总揽全局,从既有利于试行,又有利于将来推广的原则,扎扎实实抓了三件事:(1)采取审慎态度,选好试点单位。市委市政府为什么要选纺织系统8户企业作为试点对象呢?一是纺织工业是全市的支柱产业,改革十年来,总产值占全市产值25%,实现税利占51%,外贸出口占70%。 The implementation of integrated management of industrial enterprises, is “to achieve the best economic efficiency for the purpose of internal contract and job responsibility as a means to management as a leader, financial management as a link to target management as the content, within the enterprise Implementation of all-round, comprehensive management, and promote the management of enterprises supporting the perfect, in order to achieve overall corporate optimization ”(a total of seven basic programs 20). Since mid March this year, a month-long pilot has been conducted in eight enterprises in our city’s textile system and remarkable results have been achieved. Now this work has been fully rolled out in the city. I. Organizing Class Capabilities and Seeking Roads for Pilot Work At the beginning of the pilot project, the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government took overall control of the overall situation. From three aspects, which are both conducive to trial implementation and promotion in the future, they firmly grasp three things: (1) Cautious, choose a pilot unit. Why did the municipal government choose 8 enterprises in the textile system as the pilot? First, the textile industry is the pillar industry of the whole city. Over the past ten years of reform, the output value accounted for 25% of the city’s total output value, accounting for 51% of profits and taxes and 70% of exports.
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