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档案信息越来越被人们所重视,并在企业经济活动中发挥着不可低估的作用。如何把握时机,更好地开发利用档案信息资源服务于小型企业生产和经营管理,这是我们应认真探索的间题。几年来,小型企业档案管理工作也有了新的改进和发展,由过去的文书档案、科技档案单一管理发展到集多种档案于一体的综合管理。丰富了馆藏内容,给档案管理工作注入了活力。但在如何开发利用档案和收集档案工作中还存在着一些弊病。主要表现有:其一是档案工作中存在收集环节薄弱的现象。由于各部门之间的协调不到位,各种档案不同程度存在着收而不全的弊端。特别是科研和大工程竣工验收,档案部门未能及时参与验收,一些资料收集不全,给以后的利用带来了困难。其二是由 The archives information has been paid more and more attention by people and played an important role in corporate economic activities. How to seize the opportunity to better develop and utilize archives information resources to serve the production and management of small businesses is a problem that we should seriously explore. Over the past few years, the management of small business archives has also seen new improvements and developments, from the monotonous management of past documents and scientific and technological archives to the integrated management of multiple archives. It enriches the contents of the collection and injects vitality into the management of the archives. However, there are still some drawbacks in how to develop and use files and collect files. The main performances are as follows: First, there is a weak collection link in the archives work. Due to the inadequacy of coordination among various departments, there are drawbacks in various levels in various files. In particular, acceptance of scientific research and major projects were completed and the archives department failed to participate in the inspection and acceptance in a timely manner. Some of the information was collected incompletely, which caused difficulties for future use. The second is by
当职业倦怠逐渐成为一种普遍的社会现象的同时,部分教师也出现了“心有余而力不足”或“力有余而心不足”的负性表现,逐渐丧失了工作信心和热情,形成了职业倦怠 While job b
为配合企业产权制度改革,近日,辛集市审计局推出了服务企业产权制度改革7项措施,并通过广播、电视、《辛集报》等宣传媒介公布于众,受到社会各界的好评。 To tie in with t
在思想品德课教学中,运用多媒体创设情境,激发学习兴趣,调动学生积极思维,培养创新精神有利于理论联系实际,发挥学生的主体作用。 In the teaching of ideology and moralit