Reported 783 cases of rectal cancer patients from January 1986 to December 1994, including 552 cases of middle and lower rectal cancer (70.5%). In these 552 cases, 201 cases (36.4%) of all types of anus-preserving procedures were performed. Among them, 5 cases were treated by abdominal hernia resection, 5 cases were treated by pubic resection, 67 cases were Dixon type, and 44 cases were pull-down anastomosis. 68 cases and local resection in 12 cases. The 3-year survival rate was 90.9%. This article analyzes and discusses the problems of the sphincter preservation surgery, the recovery of postoperative defecation function, the generation and treatment of complications, and the necessity of comprehensive treatment. It is considered that sphincter preservation is a reasonable surgical treatment for middle and lower rectal cancer, and it is mainly applicable to Duke’s A and B1 cases. Comprehensive treatment is an important measure to prevent cancer recurrence and improve survival.