来源 :Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:csss2
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Considering the complex constraint between operations in nonstandard job shop scheduling problem (NJSSP), critical path of job manufacturing tree is determined according to priority scheduling function constructed. Operations are divided into dependent operations and independent operations with the idea of subsection, and corresponding scheduling strategy is put forward according to operation characteristic in the segment and the complementarities of identical function machines. Forward greedy rule is adopted mainly for dependent operations to make operations arranged in the right position of machine selected, then each operation can be processed as early as possible, and the total processing time of job can be shortened as much as possible. For independent operations optimum scheduling rule is adopted mainly, the inserting position of operations will be determined according to the gap that the processing time of operations is subtracted from idle time of machine, and the operation will be inserted in the position with minimal gap. Experiments show, under the same conditions, the result that operations are scheduled according to the object function constructed, and the scheduling strategy adopted is better than the result that operations are scheduled according to efficiency scheduling algorithm. Considering the complex constraint between operations in nonstandard job shop scheduling problem (NJSSP), critical path of job manufacturing tree is determined according to priority scheduling function constructed. Operations are divided into dependent operations and independent operations with the idea of ​​subsection, and corresponding scheduling strategy is put forward according to operation characteristic in the segment and the complementarities of identical function machines. Forward greedy rule is adopted primarily for dependent operations to make operations arranged in the right position of machine selected, then each operation can be processed as early as possible, for the total processing time of job can be shortened as much as possible. , and the operation wil Experiments show, under the same conditions, the result that operations are scheduled according to the object function constructed, and the scheduling strategy adopted is better than the result that operations that scheduled are according to efficiency scheduling algorithm .
在演讲时以妙趣开场,以幽默睿智的口才营造一种轻松的气氛,可以奠定整场演讲的基调,同时调动听众的情绪,把听众带进自己创设的演讲情境中,从而取得良好的演讲“笑果”。看看几位名人是如何在演讲中妙趣开场并赢得满堂喝彩的吧!  李敖:趣言戏谑,诙谐开场  李敖文笔不凡,口才也同样了得,他思维敏捷,词锋犀利,却又不乏幽默慧黠,诙谐之处每每让人捧腹。2005年9月21日,李敖到北大演讲,他的开场白是这样的:“你
如同各国的研究人员一样,西德 AEG无线电公司的研究人员也已转向光学记录技术,以求解决计算速度与低存贮容量之间的矛盾日益增长的问题。该公司的乌尔姆实验室有希望研究出
Last Friday,our school held a sports meeting on the playground.The students of our school all took an active part in the sports meeting.They joined in many game