普及厢式货车 不可操之过急

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近日,日本发生一起21辆车的连环撞车事故,国内媒体给予了很大关注。记者在看到有关该事故的照片时发现,事故现场罗列在一起的大多是厢式货车(如下图)。由此不难看出,厢式货车在日本物流运输领域正扮演着重要的角色。反观国内,虽然相关职能部门一直在倡导使用厢式货车,但实际效果并不理想。究竟是什么原因导致国内厢式货车的使用情况和日本存在如此大的差异?厢式货车的推广普及又存在着哪些困难?为此记者专访了北京物资学院物流学院院长、中国物流与采购联合会亚太物流研究交流与合作部部长邬跃教授。 Recently, a serial collision accident involving 21 vehicles occurred in Japan, and the domestic media gave a great deal of attention. When the reporter saw a photo of the accident, he found that most of the incidents listed together were van trucks (pictured below). It is not hard to see that the van is playing an important role in the field of logistics in Japan. The other hand, China, although the relevant functional departments have been advocating the use of van, but the actual effect is not satisfactory. What causes the use of domestic vans and Japan, there is such a big difference? Promotion of van popularization and what are the difficulties? To this reporter interviewed the Beijing Institute of Logistics Institute of Logistics, China Logistics and Purchasing Union Asia Pacific Logistics Research Exchange and Cooperation Minister Wu Yue.
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