The lawsuit at home is a representative lawsuit that deals with the issue of Japanese history textbooks in the name of law. The lawsuit is divided into three times, which lasted more than 30 years. Through the procedural history, the facts have been partially respected. The constitutional law of education through which the right to education is vested and the academic freedom are more fully discussed in theory and practice. The Supreme Court of Japan held that the provisions of the constitutional education right in Japan did not clearly state the right to education and that academic freedom in general education was restricted to a certain extent. The state can intervene in the methods and contents of education in the range of “necessary and equal”. The value neutrality of the textbook review system is the key to dealing with the issue of history textbooks. From the origin, operation and standardization of the Japanese constitution, respecting history is its due meaning. The Japanese government should learn from history and take active steps towards respecting history.