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>>在产品差异越来越小的今天,如何从品牌的角度来建立竞争优势? 广告企业有没有品牌,这在未来的品牌战争中是不可以的,现在企业产品之间差异越来越小,我们可以通过品牌建立竞争优势,而广告企业之间的差距也越来越小,主要靠服务来改变这种格局,反应在两者的差距就在于他们的执行工具与实效品牌服务理论。执行工具与方法很重要,他关系到企业在传播的过程,如何能找到消费者的想法,执行工具可以直达消费者的想法中心,而理论框架可以让消费者明确未来的大方向。所有的广告公司都在寻找产品的利益点,品牌的利益点,隐藏的人性真理,可以说,思考的方式是大部分相同的。比方说,消费者喜欢这个产品什么?为什么这个产品与我息息相关,为什么我要信任他,等等这些都是方法,最后的目的,是通过有效的广告建立起品牌的个性。广告企业把所有功能服务,都转向到较为有效的品牌服务。10年来的广告企业,认识到品牌的重要的性也只是近二三年的事情,因为专业、技术的同质化,使广告企业一定要有自己的独特主张才能建立竞争优势。广告企业的差异不是靠服务的内容,而是靠服务的品牌个性。必需像生产企业一样,有自己独特的产品类别体系,产品研发体系与产品价格体系。而这些体系是与企业的品牌服务紧紧相连的。 >> In the product of smaller and smaller today, how to establish a competitive advantage from the brand point of view? Advertising companies have no brand, which is not possible in the future of the brand war, and now smaller and smaller differences between enterprise products , We can establish a competitive advantage through the brand, and the gap between advertising companies is getting smaller and smaller, mainly by service to change this pattern, the reaction between the two lies in their implementation tools and effective brand service theory. It’s important to implement tools and methods. It’s about how companies are communicating, how to find out what consumers think, and executive tools that go directly to the consumer’s mindset, and where the theoretical framework allows consumers to pinpoint the future direction. All advertising companies are looking for product points of interest, brand point of interest, the hidden truth of humanity, can be said that the way of thinking is mostly the same. For example, what do consumers like about this product? Why is this product related to me? Why do I trust him? And so on are all ways to do this. The ultimate goal is to create a brand personality through effective advertising. Advertising companies to all the functional services are turned to more effective brand services. For 10 years, advertising companies have realized that the importance of a brand is only a matter of nearly two or three years. Because of the homogeneity of expertise and technology, advertising companies must have their own unique ideas in order to establish a competitive advantage. Advertising business differences do not rely on the content of services, but by service brand personality. Must be the same as the manufacturer, have their own unique product category system, product development system and product pricing system. And these systems are closely linked with the brand services of enterprises.
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