坐看云起 皮埃罗小传

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所谓称谓,是对荣誉功绩,用赞扬又或者戏谑的口吻来表现一段如歌岁月。金童,一个闪动着光亮的称号,如同晨曦中缀满白露的小荷,风华正茂,希冀满载。而置身这个称号下的曾经年少得志,流光溢彩的少年们,却统统跌入曲折又隐密的命运之门。如同欧文、劳尔一样,皮埃罗也是这种不可名状的压抑下寂寞的歌者。那段初行骠骑战渔阳的往事留给了我们一个少年英雄,但是短短数载,光华散尽的浮沉悲喜,却都属于了这个已过而立之年的沉静的灵魂。十几年中,有惊叹,有赞赏,有惋惜也有心痛。人生如同沙粒,在风的外力下永远不知飘向何方,归宿何方。意大利的青年才俊济济一堂,尤文图斯的巨星光彩依旧闪耀,皮埃罗如今需要的是直面自己的潜质、天赋和低潮,来开始一段更为明亮的人生历程。从1993年开始,他亲切又英俊的相貌,清丽又精湛的球技,使之成为无数少女心中的白马王子,无数球迷心中的终极偶像。在绿茵场上绽放的动人光华包裹着皮埃罗那段激昂岁月,让我们一起回到从前,回到尤文图斯或是意大利的赛场,来追寻那段依旧清晰的人生印记。不是悼念或追忆,只是一种简单的回想和归结,这其中蕴涵的不仅是辉煌的荣誉,更是精神的渐长。这是一段包含了一战成名和一见钟情的青春童话,同样也是一段承载了人情冷暖和物转情迁的人生故事,在爱恨中清晰,在争议中沉淀。直到今天,我们依然眷恋。 The so-called title, is honorary merit, with praise or joking tone to express a song of years. Golden Boy, a flashing light title, as the dawn filled with white lotus, flourishing, hopefully loaded. And under the title once young, ambitious youth, but all fell into the twists and turns of the fate of the door. Like Irving, Raul, Pierrot is also this indescribable loneliness singer. That period of the first line 骠 riding Yanyang left us a young hero, but a few short years, Guanghua scattered ups and downs, but all belong to the quiet of the passing of the soul. More than a decade, there are amazing, there is appreciation, there are sad but also sad. Life is like sand, under the force of the wind never know where to go, where to go. Italy’s young talents gathered together, Juventus’ glitz is still shining, Pierrot now needs to face his potential, talent and ebb, to start a brighter life course. Since 1993, his friendly and handsome appearance, elegant and superb skills, making it the innumerable innocent Prince Charming, the ultimate idol in the hearts of countless fans. The glamorous glory blooming on the pitch encases a period of passion for Pierrero, let us return to the past, back to Juventus or Italy’s track, to track the still clear sign of life. Not to mourn or recall, just a simple recall and sum up, which implies not only the glory of honor, but also the spirit of the gradual. This is a fairy tale containing the fame and love at first sight of the youth fairy tale, is also a bearing of human well-being and change of life story, clear in love and hate, in the controversial precipitation. Until today, we still love.
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深化和完善经济体制改革、关键是要研究解决计划经济与市场凋节的有机结合问题。下面,就这个问题谈点个人看法。 一、怎样正确理解计划经济 计划经济,是在生产资料社会主义
1935年1月18日天津《大公报》报导:美国泛美航空公司将在数星期内进行横越太平洋试飞,并开辟新的航线。而实际直到10月5日此航线才开始试航,并获成功。 January 18, 1935 Tia