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贵州铝厂一分厂矽尘危害如此严重,竟然违抗党和国家有关规定,无视省、市劳动、卫生部门的监督检查,强行投产,危害了职工,污染了环境,这种作法是十分错误的。 中共中央《关于认真做好劳动保护工作的通知》明确指示,新建、扩建、改建的企业要保证防尘防毒和安全生产设施“与主体工程同时设计、同时施工、同时投产”,并严格指出:“谁不执行,要追究谁的责任。”党中央的通知已经发出数月,这个厂和有关领导竟然置若罔闻,我行我素,这是什么态度?我们希望贵州铝厂和有关主管部门严肃对待这个问题,认真贯彻执行中央《通知》,立即把粉尘严重的车间的生产停下来,采取有效措施,消除矽尘危害再投入生产,不能继续做那种不顾党纪国法,摧残职工健康,贻害子孙后代的蠢事了。 It is wrong to believe that the threat of silica dust from Guizhou Aluminum Plant No.1 Branch is so serious that it defies the relevant provisions of the party and the state, ignores the supervision and inspection of the labor and health departments of provinces and municipalities, and forcibly starts production, endangers the workers and pollutes the environment . The CPC Central Committee’s “Circular on Earnestly Doing Labor Protection” clearly indicates that new, expanded and rebuilt enterprises shall ensure that dust-proof and anti-drug and safety production facilities “are designed, constructed and put into operation simultaneously with the main part of the project” and strictly states: “Who does not implement, who should be held accountable.” The CPC Central Committee’s notice has been issued a few months, this plant and the leaders turned a deaf ear to their own way, this is what attitude? We hope that Guizhou Aluminum Plant and relevant departments in charge will take this issue seriously, conscientiously implement the Central “Circular”, immediately stop the production of dusty workshops, take effective measures to eliminate the danger of silica dust and put it into production, can not continue to do that In spite of party discipline and state law, they have devastated the health of workers and hated the stupidity of future generations.
在改革开放,加快经济建设的形势下,地名管理工作如何适应新形势,发挥地名管理的两个效益,是当前地名界普遍关注的问题之一。本文着重谈谈地名管理的经济效益。 地名管理对于
1 工作原理 摩托车发动机每转一周,各缸将点火一次,即点火脉冲频率与发动机转速呈严格的线性关系。利用点火脉冲触发脉宽固定的单稳电路,再经积分,即可将发动机转速转换成线
前不久,国家计委、国家经委批复了《山东省安全委员会关于朱陈煤矿煤尘爆炸重大事故处理情况的报告》,同意他们对事故有关责任者所作的严肃处理。 今年二月二日二时四十五分,
江苏省土壤学会于今年第三、第四季度連續召开了两次学术討論会。討論有关“农业土壤形成的动力”与“土壤肥力”問題。除駐宁各研究单位、农业院校与 Soil Science Societ
据悉,荷兰帝斯曼公司日前表示,公司今年的目标之一是在年底前生产出500 t生物可再生丁二酸产品。帝斯曼负责医药产品研发的经理Ronald Gebhard日前表示:“我们目前在决定选址