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《散装水泥》杂志作为全国惟一的散装水泥专业媒体,已经成为散装水泥战线上的舆论宣传阵地,十几年来为我国散装水泥事业的发展发挥了重要作用。 《散装水泥》杂志创办发行以来,始终坚持为全国各级散装办服务、为水泥行业服务、为水泥用户服务的办刊宗旨,努力在突出专业性,兼顾知识性,提高可读性上下功夫,取得了骄人的业绩。尤其是2000年下半年《散装水泥》杂志改版后,杂志以全新的面貌出版发行,为发展散装水泥奔走呼号,鸣锣开道,大造宣传舆论,深受全国散装水泥战线广大干部职工的欢迎和爱戴。 改版后的《散装水泥》杂志,办刊质量与时俱进,扩大 Bulk Cement magazine, as the sole bulk cement professional media in the country, has become the publicity propaganda position on the bulk cement front. For more than a decade, bulk cement has played an important role in the development of China’s bulk cement industry. Since the founding and distribution of bulk cement magazine, the company has always adhered to the tenet of serving the cement industry and serving the cement users at all levels in the country and has always endeavored to highlight its professionalism, give consideration to both knowledge and readability, Achieved remarkable performance. Especially in the second half of 2000 after the revision of Bulk Cement Magazine, the magazine was published and released with a brand-new appearance. It welcomed and loved the cadres and workers in the bulk cement front in the country in order to develop the call for bulk cement. After the revision of “bulk cement” magazine, journal quality with the times, expand
背景 变应原特异性IgG4 (sIgG4)抗体通常与耐受性相关,目前已有报道称在成人嗜酸性粒细胞性食管炎(EoE)患者中,sIgG4抗体与某些食物有关,但目前尚缺乏儿科患者针对某些食物的
目的 估价心肌显像对患者做冠状动脉造影(CAG)决策的影响。方法 回顾性分析了2 188例患者运动心肌灌注显像的结果,其中男1 807例,女381例,平均年龄(53.5±7.2)岁。运动心肌显像
敬爱的编辑同志: 自和《散装水泥》杂志结识以来,我不仅是她的热心读者,而且也乐意向其投稿,并积极对其进行宣传。 我之所以花大气力抓《散装水泥》的学习、宣传和运用,是因