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本文以外贝加尔热液体系铀成矿为例,从F、U、Cs等元素地球化学研究入手,以新的观点剖析了构造岩浆活化区内生铀矿床的铀积聚环境和火山热液体系内的铀成矿机理,从而指明构造岩浆活化区铀找矿的新途径。 Taking uranium mineralization outside the Baikal hydrothermal system as an example, starting from the elemental geochemical studies of F, U, Cs and so on, this paper analyzes the uranium accumulation environment of endogenous uranium deposits in the tectonically-activated magma and the volcanic hydrothermal system from a new point of view Uranium mineralization mechanism, indicating a new way for uranium prospecting in the tectonic magmatic activation zone.
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