尼勒克县三位护林员的小故事 新疆尼勒克县境内有1.42万公顷河谷次生林,是目前全国第二大河谷次生林,林中拥有100多种各类植物。这片西北三省区保护最完整、生态效益发挥得最好的河谷次生林,凝聚着尼勒克县次生林管理总站广大干部职工的心血。这里仅说说在护林岗位上工作了二十多年的三个老护林员的小故事,他们名字是:阿不拉江、阿不力克木、塞依拉西,他们都用责任和忠诚演绎着自己平凡的人生。
The story of three forest rangers in Nileq County There are 14,200 hectares of secondary forest in the Nilek County of Xinjiang, which is currently the second-largest secondary forest in the country. There are over 100 kinds of plants in the forest. This piece of secondary forest in the valley, which has the most complete protection and the best ecological benefits, has been devoted to the work of the cadres and workers at the Secondary Forest Management Station in Nileq County. Here are just a few stories about the three old rangers who have worked for more than two decades in the forest guard positions: Abraham, Abyarit, and Seychelles, all of whom use responsibility and loyalty With his ordinary life.