Design and development of expert system for controlling sintering process

来源 :Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhongming328
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The general structure of expert system for controlling sintering process has been proposed. It includes knowledge base, inference engine, data acquisition system, learning system, knowledge base management system, explanation system and so on. The control functions consist of sintering chemical composition control centered on basicity and sintering process state control centered on permeability. The adaptive prediction of sintering chemical composition, the control strategy centered on basicity, the control strategy centered on permeability, the judgement of permeability and the prediction of burn through point were studied. The software of system, which includes about 1 000 expert rules, was successfully applied in off line control of sintering process in a sintering plant. The general structure of expert system for controlling sintering process has been proposed. It includes knowledge base, inference engine, data acquisition system, learning system, knowledge base management system, explanation system and so on. on basicity and sintering process state control centered on permeability. the adaptive prediction of sintering chemical composition, the control strategy centered on basicity, the control strategy centered on permeability, the judgment strategy of permeability and the prediction of burn through point were studied. The software of system, which includes about 1 000 expert rules, was successfully applied in off line control of sintering process in a sintering plant.
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