继往开来 抓住机遇 深化改革 加快发展——朱育理总经理在科技工作会议闭幕式的讲话(摘要)

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1993年11月26日至11月29日,中国航空工业总公司在北京召开了科技工作会议。总公司所属厂、所、院校主管科研的所、厂长(或总师)、总公司机关有关司局及上级机关的领导,共160多人参加了会议。这次会议的主要任务是贯彻党的十四届三中全会精神和国家《科技进步法》,以及全国科技工作会议精神,总结和交流科技工作会议的经验,部署航空工业90年代科技体制改革和科技发展工作,讨论《总公司党组关于进一步加强科技工作的决定》。这次会议对于进一步动员和组织全行业各方面的力量,加快科技体制改革,大力解放和发展科技第一生产力,依靠科技,发展经济,实现2000年前航空工业的“腾飞计划”具有重要意义。朱育理总经理和张彦仲副总经理均在会上讲了话。现将他们的讲话摘要刊出。 From November 26 to November 29, 1993, China Aviation Industry Corporation held a conference on science and technology in Beijing. More than 160 people participated in the meeting at the headquarters of the head office, institutes, colleges and universities responsible for scientific research, director (or the chief division), the relevant departments of the head office and leaders of higher authorities. The main task of the conference is to implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 14th CPC Central Committee and the National Science and Technology Progress Act, as well as the spirit of the National Conference on Science and Technology Work, to summarize and exchange the experience of the S&T work conference, and to deploy the aerospace industry’s reform of the science and technology system in the 1990s. The development of science and technology will discuss the “Decision of the Party Corporation of the Head Office on Further Strengthening Scientific and Technological Work.” This meeting is of great significance for further mobilizing and organizing all sectors of the industry, accelerating the reform of the science and technology system, vigorously liberating and developing the primary productive forces of science and technology, relying on science and technology, developing the economy, and achieving the “gobout plan” of the aviation industry 2000 years ago. General Manager Zhu Yuli and Deputy General Manager Zhang Yanzhong spoke at the meeting. Now summarize their speeches.
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