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郁郁葱葱的雷公山,高耸入云。从山顶留下的泉水,欢快地跳跃着流淌着,流到半山,就形成了小溪。小溪水滋润着两岸的土地,也滋润着时代居住在雷公山麓的苗家人。有一个名叫“控拜”的苗族村寨,就在这小溪边,人们依山就势,修建起栋栋吊脚楼,在溪边开凿出层层梯田。八十多户人家,五百多村民,日出而作日入而息。雷公山上,有采不尽的竹笋、菌子和野果;小溪里有肥美的鱼虾。村民们靠苗族古歌里的道德规范来维持寨子里的和谐,即使有了纠纷,也有寨老来根据习 Lush Thunder Hill, towering into the clouds. Spring water from the top of the mountain, jumping joyously flowing, flowing halfway up the formation of a stream. Small streams of water moisten the land on both sides, but also nourish the era of Miao family living in the foothills of Thunder Mountain. There is a Miao village named “Zhaowai”, on the side of this stream where people mount their houses to build stilts and dig the terraces in streams. More than 80 families, more than 500 villagers, sunrise and daily interest rates. Thunder hill, there are endless harvest of bamboo shoots, fungi and wild fruit; brooks have plump fish and shrimp. The villagers rely on the ethics of ancient Hmong songs to maintain the harmony in the stockade. Even if there is a dispute,
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4月30日至5月10日昭通市举办职工根艺奇石作品展,共展出201件作品,其中根艺作品132件、奇石件品69件。这些作品生动形象、栩栩如生,吸引众多的 From April 30 to May 10,
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目的 分析某动物制药企业生产工艺存在的职业病危害情况,评价制药企业的职业病危害现状和防尘毒、降噪关键控制措施.方法 采用职业卫生现场调查、职业卫生检测、检查表法、职