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2003年,自治区新闻出版局“扫黄”“打非”工作在自治区党委、自治区人民政府及局党组的领导下,坚决贯彻党中央领导同志对“扫黄”“打非”工作的一系列指示,按照全国和自治区2003年“扫黄”“打非”行动三个阶段的总体部署,坚决打击丑恶文化、没落文化,为巩固社会主义思想文化阵地做出了积极贡献。2003年,自治区新闻出版局“扫黄”“打非”办公室共组织集中行动7次,集中行动和日常监管工作中共收缴各类非法出版物10.33万册(盘),其中政治类1780余册(盘),非法宗教类1.26万册(盘),淫秽色情类1.07万册(盘),教材教辅类3.6万册。“扫黄”“打非”工作是一项政治性、政策性和专业性很强,且需要社会方方面面合作的系统工程。“扫黄”“打非”工作关系到国家经济发展和社会稳定,得到中央和自治区的高度重视,党中央历届领导人都对“扫黄”“打非”工作有过重要指示。自治区新闻出版 In 2003, under the leadership of the party committee of the autonomous region, the people’s government of the autonomous region and the party groups under the leadership of the autonomous regional press and publication bureau, the work of “sweeping the yellow” and “beating the wrong” has firmly implemented the work of leading cadres of the party Central Committee on “sweeping the yellow” and “beating the wrong” In line with the overall plan of the three stages of the operation of “redressing the Yellow River” and “fighting against non-aggression” in the entire country and the autonomous region in 2003, we firmly cracked down the ugly culture and the declining culture and made positive contributions to the consolidation of the socialist ideological and cultural positions. In 2003, the Press and Publication Bureau of the Autonomous Region jointly organized 7 centralized operations and centralized operations and routine supervision. The CCP collected 103,300 copies of various types of illegal publications (including plates), of which 1780 (Plate), 12,200 illegal religious classes (plate), 10,700 obscene pornography (plate), 36,000 textbooks and other supplementary materials. “Sweeping the Yellow ” “Fighting Non ” work is a systematic project that is politically, policy-oriented and highly professional and requires cooperation from all aspects of society. The work of “sweeping the Yellow Sea” and “fighting against Africa” ​​has a bearing on the economic development and social stability of the country and is highly valued by the Central Government and the autonomous regions. All previous leaders of the Party Central Committee have made important directives on the “anti-vice” work . Autonomous region press and publication
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本文通过分析网络环境下青年社会化的特点,网络对青年社会化的正负面影响,提出顺应网络的发展,积极引导青年社会化的相应对策。 By analyzing the characteristics of the y
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