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贺龙是新中国体育事业的奠基人,他曾在所领导的地区和部队中大力发展体育运动;全国解放后,他还组建了新中国第一支专业的男女篮、排球队,并为国家输送了一批优秀的体育工作干部、教练员和运动员。1952年8月,共青团中央向中共中央写了一份《关于参加第十五届奥运会的情况报告》,建议在政务院下设立一个与各部委平行的全国体育事务委员会,“委员 He Long was the founder of the sports career in New China. He had vigorously developed sports in the regions and units under his leadership. After the liberation of the country, he also formed the first professional basketball team and volleyball team in China and delivered them to the state A group of outstanding sports cadres, coaches and athletes. In August 1952, the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League wrote a ”Report on the Participation in the 15th Olympic Games" to the CPC Central Committee. It is proposed that a National Sports Commission be set up under the State Council in parallel with the ministries and commissions,
目的 了解凭祥市孕产妇艾滋病、梅毒、丙肝的感染情况及艾滋病相关知识水平,为预防控制工作提供依据.方法 2009年4-5月对首次到市妇幼保健院和市人民医院建卡或进行围产期保
目的 了解梧州市农村生活饮用水的卫生现状.方法 于2009年3月随机抽取梧州市市辖县(市)及乡镇的农村集中式供水单位84个,分散式供水单位57个,采集其出厂水和末梢水水样进行检
阿兴终于从孤寂中走出来了。 这些年来,他在哪里?在做什么?向何处去?却较少为人所知。 面对大环境变化所带来的各种思潮以及源源而来的庞杂的艺术信息,阿兴这样一个习惯于向
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