approve与approve of及其他

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由于本课中曾出现了approve of 这一词组,因此不少同学在做这道题目时很容易地在approve后面加上了of。这无疑是正确的。但有细心的同学在查阅词典后提出这样的疑问:approve既然可以是及物动词,为何非要在后面加上of不可呢? 多数词典(如朗曼词典)对于approve of 的解释相当于汉语的“满意”,“赞许”(to give or have a favorable opinion of,to think well of),表示对某种意见或行为赞成或具有好感。这一词符合题意。 Since the phrase “approve of” appeared in this lesson, many students easily added “of” to the proposal when doing this topic. This is undoubtedly correct. However, the careful classmates raised the question after consulting the dictionary: Since the “approve” can be a transitive verb, why is it necessary to add “of” to it? Most Chinese dictionaries (such as the Longman Dictionary) are equivalent to Chinese explanations for the “approve of” interpretation. “To give or have a favorable opinion of, to think well of” means to approve or have a favorable opinion of a certain opinion or behavior. This word is consistent with the meaning of the question.
为了方便起见,本文中用the time代替表示时间的名词或以时间名词为中心词的短语(包括介词+时间名词)。我们可否将the time(that)引导的状语从句理解为the time+定语从句,请
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