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一、前言微型计算机自从七十年代初期出现以来,随着大规模集成电路工艺的迅速发展,品种日益增多、性能也日臻完善,微型计算机技术的发展为大规模集成电路的标准化、系列化开辟了新途径,也使计算机系统结构设计起了很大变化。目前,微型计算机更由于单片微处理机、单片计算机的出现以及由许多微处理机组成的中、大型计算机的多微处理机系统的探索,而受到人们愈来愈大的重视和成为计算机发展的不可忽视的方向之一。微型计算机是一种由中、大规模集成电路构成的微小型化计算机。微型机与传统的计算机一样,主要由中央处理机(CPU)、存贮器、输入输出装置三部份构成。而微型机系统同样地还应包括由语言、程序等组成的软件部分,所不同的是微型计算机的中央处理机是由具有运算和控制功能的大规模集成电路所组成的处理机,称为微处理机。实际上,它就是过去叫做运算器与控制器的计算机部分的总称。在较广泛地采用控制存贮器代替传统的组合逻辑设计之后,从外部看,微处理机中已包含了相当于原先概念的计算 I. INTRODUCTION Since the beginning of the 1970s, microcomputer has been developing rapidly due to the rapid development of large-scale integrated circuit (IC) technology and the increasing variety and performance of microcomputers. The development of microcomputer technology has standardized the large-scale integrated circuits and serialized New ways, but also the design of computer systems has undergone great changes. At present, microcomputers are receiving more and more attentions due to the advent of single-chip microprocessors, single-chip computers, and multiprocessor systems of medium- and large-sized computers consisting of many microprocessors and computers One of the indispensable directions for development. Microcomputer is a kind of miniature computer composed of medium and large scale integrated circuits. Microcomputer and traditional computer, mainly by the central processing unit (CPU), memory, input and output devices composed of three parts. Similarly, the microcomputer system should also include the software part consisting of languages ​​and programs. The difference is that the central processing unit of the microcomputer is a processor formed by a large-scale integrated circuit with computing and control functions, Processor. In fact, it is a general term for the parts of the computer that used to be called calculators and controllers. In the more widely used control memory instead of the traditional combinational logic design, from the outside, the microprocessor already contains the equivalent of the original concept of calculation
目的 报告3例RK术后严重眼球破裂伤的手术效果.方法 部分穿透性角膜移植及联合瞳孔成形、前段玻璃体切除,角膜裂伤修补及后段玻璃体切除视网膜复位术.结果3例均保存了眼球.结
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