
来源 :中国卫生经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xianxing599
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湖北省恩平市卫生局所属的卫安实业总公司,多年来,除了搞好自身的经营和发展以外,还不忘“以副补主”,支持卫生事业的发展。一是帮助和支持部分医疗卫生单位办起了制剂室和药品零售商店。仅1992年,这些医疗卫生单位的药品零售收入就有243.5万元,占其业务总收入的9%。二是改善办医条件。卫安实业总公司每年上缴卫生局管理费30万元,加上其他医疗卫生单位办产业上缴的管理费,使卫生局能在1992年至1993年拨出160多万元投入乡镇卫生院三项建设,加快了建设进度,被省评为1993年乡镇卫生院三项建设先进市。1993年还上调80万元支持结防所、慢病站、药检所和妇幼保健院搞房舍建设;上调130万元给卫生局新建办公楼。三是解决卫生系统职工子女就业,为职工解除后顾之忧。截至今年4月,卫生系统职工子女已有300多人被吸收到公司工 Wei’an Industrial Corporation, which is part of the Health Department of Enping City, Hubei Province, has not only forgotten its own operations and development, but also forged its support for the development of health services. The first is to help and support some medical and health units to set up preparation rooms and drug retail stores. In 1992 alone, the retail sales revenue of these medical and health units totaled 2.435 million yuan, accounting for 9% of its total business income. The second is to improve the medical conditions. Wei’an Industrial Corporation pays RMB 300,000 in management fees to the Health Bureau every year, plus other medical and health units to handle the management fees paid by the industry, enabling the Bureau of Health to allocate more than RMB 1.6 million to township hospitals from 1992 to 1993. The construction speeded up the progress of the construction and was rated by the provincial government as the three advanced cities for construction of township health centers in 1993. In 1993, it also raised 800,000 yuan to support the establishment of facilities, chronic disease stations, drug labs, and maternal and child health hospitals to build premises; raised 1.3 million yuan to the new building of the Health Bureau. The third is to resolve the employment of the children of the health system workers and lift the worries of the employees. As of April this year, more than 300 children of employees of the health system have been absorbed into the company.
目的了解云南省三级甲等医院护士对医院组织文化特点和护士工作生活质量感知水平,并探讨二者之间的关系.方法采用组织文化量表(organizational culture profile,OCP)和工作生
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