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道琼斯消息:巴西发展工业贸易部长近日称,巴西对华出口继续受到中国港口当局拖延时间的影响。他表示,巴西农业部的一个技术代表团10月底访华时可能会提及大豆卸货延迟的事宜。 Dow Jones News: The Minister of Development Industry and Trade of Brazil recently stated that Brazilian exports to China continue to be affected by delays by Chinese port authorities. He said that a technical delegation from Brazil’s Ministry of Agriculture may visit China at the end of October may mention the delay in soya bean unloading.
5. Landessprachen (国家通用语言) und SchweizerdeutschVon der Bevolkerung in der Schweiz sprachen nach der Volkszahlung im Jahre1970 64,9% deutsch, 18,1% franzo
( ...)3 0 janvier 193 3 :Hitlerdevientchancelierd Allemagne .3mail 193 6:EnFrancevictoire啨lectoraleduFrontpopulaire .LegouvernementdeL啨onBlumfe (...)3 0 janvier 193 3 :Hitlerdevientchancelierd Allemagne .3mail 193 6:EnFrancevictoire啨lectoraleduFrontpopul
Fight Spam on theInternet!Spam is flooding theInternet with many copies ofthe same message,in anattempt to force the message on people whowould not otherwise c
必要寒。日午后,鼻赤见学。 Need cold. Afternoon, see the nose red.
Lepapieraencoredebeauxjoursdevantlui!Assortid unstylotr埁stechno,le papiercod啨“esteneffetladerni埁retrouvailledontl informatiquealesecret.De quoiconcurrencerclaviers,啨cranstactilesettablettesgraph Lepapieraencor
China’s official entry into the WTO, together with the amazingly rapid upgrading of its Internet technology, has rocketed China into the global arena. We now
正规军奋起——对抗“黄牛” 据相关市场数据显示,去年前10个月上海二手车成交94000多辆,超过前年全年150%。然而其中真正通过正规经纪公司成交却仅有21000辆左右, The regu