Building Up Competitiveness and Sustainability: a Global Perspective on China's Pharmaceutical

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During the reshuffle of the global pharmaceuticalmarket,China’s pharmaceutical sectorhas entered the global competition toexplore its positioning and opportunities.First of all,China is both a major consumerand a key producer ofpharmaceuticals.China’s medical expendituresmake up approximately 4%-5% of itsGDP,which is still somewhat behindWHO’s basic requirements of no less than5%.However,note that the country is promotingthe accessibility and public welfareof medical resources by medical andhealthcare reform.An increased proportion During the reshuffle of the global pharmaceuticalmarket, China’s pharmaceutical sectorhas entered the global competition toexplore its positioning and opportunities. First of all, China is both a major consumer and a key producer ofpharmaceuticals.China’s medical expendituresmake about 4% -5% of itsGDP, which is still somewhat behindWHO’s basic requirements of no less than 5% .However, note that the country is promoting the accessibility and public welfareof medical resources by medical andhealthcare reform.
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【正】 On December 8th Shanghai Pharmaceutical Logistics Center Suzhou Branch,co-investedby Shanghai Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.(SH:600849) and Suzhou LogisticsCent