
来源 :企业经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:KenBlove
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转变经济发展方式,实现创新驱动发展,需要足够的技术创新支撑。即使有了充足的技术创新,还要进行理性的技术创新选择,并不是越多越好,而是越适合越好,技术创新的方向和选择很重要。只有极少数的技术创新,可以使企业在行业内和国际上获得竟争优势。本文基于组织惯例视角研究技术创新选择认为组织惯例会引导企业技术创新的方向,并促使企业作出合理的技术创新选择。从组织惯例的层级、演化和形成分析了对技术创新选择的影响,提出为了减少技术创新选择的风险,给企业带来更大的竟争优势,企业应形成以技术创新为主导逻辑的组织惯例,以组织惯例演化促进技术创新和选择,且组织惯例指导下的技术创新,应与行业惯例和国际惯例相符。 To change the mode of economic development and achieve innovation-driven development requires sufficient technological innovation support. Even with sufficient technological innovation, but also the rational choice of technological innovation, not the more the better, but the more suitable the better, the direction and choice of technological innovation is very important. Only a handful of technological innovations can enable companies to gain competitive advantage both within the industry and internationally. Based on the organizational practice perspective, this paper studies the choice of technological innovation and believes that organizational routines will guide the direction of technological innovation and encourage enterprises to make reasonable technological innovation choices. From the hierarchy, evolution and formation of organizational practices, the author analyzes the impact on the choice of technological innovation and puts forward that in order to reduce the risk of technological innovation choice and bring greater competitive advantages to the enterprise, the enterprise should form the organizational norms that take the technological innovation as the dominant logic , To promote technological innovation and choice by evolving organizational practices and technological innovation guided by organizational practice should be consistent with industry practice and international practice.
<正> 建账监管工作是指财政部门对建账单位的总分类账、银行存款日记账和现金日记账从印制、销售到使用建立严格的调控监管制度,即实行定点印制、定点销售、每本账簿必须套印
<正> 什么是创造性会计,众说纷纭。虽然与会计学联系起来,创造性常常被认为是带贬义的,然而,从创造力的角度看,如果它促进会计实务的发展,则具有积极的影响。 当创造性会计被
摘要 随着全球一体化进程的加快,世界范围内对翻译人才的需求也在猛增。翻译人才的需求直接促进了翻译教育事业的发展,但是目前一些高校的翻译教学课程的设置并没有考虑到翻译行业的发展和市场的需求。本文根据《中国四大城市翻译公司的调查报告》及笔者在首届中国翻译职业交流大会上所进行的问卷调查结果,总结出当前翻译行业对人才能力的要求,并为如何培养更多高层次的翻译人才提供一些参考。  关键 词翻译行 业人才 培养
<正> 一、会计信息市场的缺陷1、缺乏有效的市场机制。在自由竞争的市场中,会